He’s high up in cyber security. While they were out to dinner, he told my friend that some kind of event was going to take place by March 12 and it would be important for her to have cash at the ready as she won’t be able to use her cards.. I asked her to question him further with a new set of questions as she’s not really astute about the times we live in. Because he’s high up the chain in cyber security, he says he has a good reason to warn his family. He didn’t go in to detail. Just passing it along.
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WHAT I DONT GET is what use is cash. I cant think of 1 petrol station or grocery store that could handle everyone using cash. Would make the "toilet paper" thing look like childsplay. BARTER with neighbours maybe, BUT most truthers are way better stocked than their neighbors so probably not a good idea! PS Most checkout personel these days cant add 2 +2 .
Those petrol and grocery places would figure it out real quickly if cash was all that worked.
You betcha.
...take $20 bill, put in register, "you're ready on pump 1".
Oh no, we're out of quarters, do you mind nickels?
Better stocked doesn't necessarily mean fully stocked. Just another resource which, if needed, you will be glad you have.
It's the only possible option.
It's not perfect,but all we have in that situation.
Just a few weeks extra should suffice and safer than battling it out at the store in my view.
We all should do what we think is best....