Ever since Trump won I’m getting laid so much and everyone I talk to who is a Trump supporter has also seen an uptick in sexual activity not to be crude but I think that when Trump won 37 million women’s vaginas let out a sigh of relief I think nine months from now you’re going to see the largest conservative baby boom in history and I believe they’re gonna call it. The Trump bump
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At least 37 million also snapped shut when Trump won, but they're precisely the ones you don't want to open up. So, not just more babies but better ones! There will be many fewer blue-haired moms.
The number of Blue Hairs are greatly exaggerated
I'm from Portland. When's the last time you visited Portland?
So do they all live in Portland? All 30+ million???? You are so screwed!!
30+ million would be a metric fuck ton of blue hairs evenly distributed all over the US.