Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0


Mark Passio gives the best presentation I've ever seen on occultism. It's not often that I find a presentation on the occult that seems solid and sharable. I usually have to siphon off small clips of information that are worthwhile, then discard the rest as sensationalism or exaggeration. But this guy's got a full and coherent presentation, a lot of which is due to his delving into underlyng motivations for why people organize around such ideas. I've never seen someone demonstrate so well how the satanic worldview has been largely absorbed and unconcsciously adopted by modern society. There's a sense of ordinariness about it all that he introduces. Not ordinary in the sense of normal, but ordinary in the sense that it seems inevitable and understandable that certain perverse or deranged humans will gravitate towards this. Mostly narcissists and psychopaths, and other serious personality disorders, which then suck up a lot of weak but otherwise not defective masses at large.

Gandiva 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sending the issue back to the states is completely independent from whether certain states broaden their abortion options. Under Roe, 6 states already allowed abortion up to birth, and any other state could have done so had it chosen to by legislature or referendum. Since Dobbs, 1 more state, Maine, has effectively opened up abortion to the point of birth. The only actual effect that overturning Roe has had on broadening abortion options is the reaction in blue states to Dobbs that has caused them to do what they might have just as easily done before Dobbs. In other words, "sending it back to the states" has ended up providing a net lowering of abortions in red states, while retaining the ability for blue states to do what they might have done before. Overall, this is a win for opponents of abortion.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's the Senate vote:


Tuberville and Paul would have voted against the bill, but for whatever reason didn't vote. Tim Scott didn't vote either, but said he supported the bill.

So we have 17 good Republican Senators, and 32 bad ones. That's a great improvement since Trump started the MAGA movement. We really should appreciate what a great achievement that is! And more than half of Republican Representatives voted against the bill. Also, more good Senators will come in after 2024. Sen. Braun, who voted against the bill, will be replaced by Rep. Banks who also voted against it in the House. MT and OH are going to gain Trump-endorsed, MAGA-aligned Republican Senators. Unfortunately, I think WV is going to get a RINO to replace Manchin. Assuming at minimum 3 Republican pickups, the ratio after 2024 of good to bad Republican Senators should be 19 to 33. Also, if Lake, Hovde and Brown get in from AZ, WI and NV, they will be good Senators, too.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, that source you used is way way off. More than a dozen mistakes, actually. Here is the official House clerk's website showing the vote. Gosar voted against the bill. In fact, Gosar became the third Representative supporting the ouster of Johnson over this bill. He's solid.


Gandiva 9 points ago +9 / -0

There aren't enough Demonrats in the cabinet against Biden to get him out via the 25th amendment. Also, a VP appointment is the only cabinet position that requires approval by both Senate AND House. So that won't be happening, either.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

How does this work? I don't understand the tactic.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey all, relax! The Colorado governor has already called for the replacement election in June. That district is R+16, so there will be a new Republican sworn in by the end of June, first part of July.

Gandiva 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thank you for writing this! I agree 100%.

Gandiva 15 points ago +17 / -2

Without making any judgment as to the truth or falsity of the narratives described in this post, many of the claims made about what the narratives themselves claim are not accurate. Not a single person who argues against germ theory claims that bacteria don't exist. The claim is that they are not a cause of disease. Likewise, a great number of those who argue against germ theory don't claim that most or all disease is caused by any invasion by outside entities, but rather by malnutrition and toxicity.

Gandiva 35 points ago +39 / -4

This post is a great example of how far this website has come in becoming the very thing that it claims to be against. A mod sticking his thumb on the scale to determine for all of us what is true and what is not true. Although mind-manipulation tactics do exist, and are exercised all the time, it does nothing for the cause of discovery of truth to set oneself up as the arbiter of truth. Facilitating a forum for the hashing out of claims and the moderating of the presentation or refutation of facts is the only way that this website will serve the discovery of truth. Anything else is just another version of someone's attempt at control.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK, but even so, dogs are 100% carnivores by nature.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

You call canned veggies real food?

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason could be that Team Trump has negotiated via back channels an eventual alliance or treaty of friendship with Russia. The US and Russia are natural allies, and the two getting along would ensure at least 100 years of global stability. Only the insanity of the Demonrats and RINOs maintains Russia as an enemy.

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