Gandiva 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nixon died in in 1994.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recently saw an interview by the worlds greatest researcher on cancer according to the "cancer as a metabolic disease" theory, Dr. Thomas Seyfried, and he said the reason why fenbendazol and ivermectin work is because they are glutamine inhibitors. Glucose and glutamine are the two sources of fuel for tumors, which can't metabolize fats and ketones.

Gandiva 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, cancer treatments are just poisons meant to ensure you die regardless of cancer and transfer your assets to Big Medicine before you die.

Gandiva 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, cancer treatments are just poisons meant to ensure you die regardless of cancer and transfer your assets to Big Medicine before you die.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bill Gates was part owner with Al Waleed of the top floors of that hotel where the assassins were operating from.

Besides the helicopters firing, there may have been other helicopters shuttling the assassins off the roof, or perhaps the same helicopters were used to fire and to escape. Eventually, there was a line of helicopters that flew out of the city, as shown on radar records.

The major lockdown of Saudi billionaires, including Al Waleed, in the Riyadh Hilton took place just a month after the shooting.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's amazing how badly she's exposing herself right now.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Admiral Rogers is Q, or the prime figure behind Q.

Gandiva 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ha, sorry, didn't watch it all the way to the end. Stew's gone so far off the deep end, he's glowingly obvious.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

To act or naut to act, that is the question.

Gandiva 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for this update! Nice to know. I just visited southern Ohio for a week, seems like a good prospect for a displaced Oregonian (temporarily in SW Michigan) trying to relocate to a sane area that is also lush and green enough to remind me of home. I particularly enjoyed Marietta, but it's pretty small. Ohio seems to be leveling out on its population losses, and with its shift to the red politically seems to be turning in a better direction for the future. It's also fairly unique in that despite having five large cities, the metro areas don't dominate state politics because there's a more balanced proportion of population outside of those areas than in most Midwestern states.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the symptoms of being vegan.

Gandiva 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for your post. I'm a bit more than 2.5 times your age, but saw the world a lot like you do when I was your age, so I never boarded that last train to prosperity. Now, for you, it's much worse. The worst thing about my experience is seeing the contrast between now and when I was part of the last cohort to grow up free to play outside unsupervised, ride bikes everywhere, unrestricted until having to be home for dinner, listening to my grandfather tell stories about growing up on a farm. Seeing all that go away for those who came after has been a source of deep sorrow (I have 18 nieces and nephews, who all grew up in the same area I did).

I don't see much understanding in most of the comments here. Most of them get reduced down to some version of either "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or "don't worry, things are bound to get better." But the opportunities have, in fact, dried up. The general mental/emotional state is abysmal. I work in front of the public every day, and I see the same thing you are. It is incomprehensible, like you say, to think just what low caliber the people are at who will inherit this world. You showed up at the part in Pinocchio where Pleasure Island has been trashed, and all the boys are being turned into donkeys and sold to the salt mines. I came onto the scene when the party was raging, just about to reach its climax. I walked away from it because it was so obvious what it would lead to, and it was so shallow and disgusting that there was little enjoyment to be gained by participating in it anyway.

I've spent the last 20 years of my life looking for people who want to base the value of their life on real, substantive human connection and experiencing life as free from the corruption of modernity as possible. I've met a few along the way. Not many. I can't say I understand much about your generation. I haven't had a lot of exposure to people your age, outside of my own family. Is it possible that you and people like you might be a natural reaction to how bad things have gotten? Is it possible there are more individuals in your generation than in mine looking for and tuned into things at the level you are? If so, then that may be your greatest consolation. You are very well-spoken. You seem like you may be able to seek out and attract those few who are looking for what you are, if they exist. I didn't run across many people who wanted to live a life of real meaning. But like I said, my generation was the last to grow up before the bubble burst.

Just know that you are not crazy. In fact, what you understand already at your age I didn't see as clearly as you until I was in my 30's. What you're going through is not your fault. The world abandoned your future before you even arrived. It does not mean that there is nothing left to live for. It just means that most people have long since abandoned what makes life worth living. Finding others to share real value with will be difficult. When you find them, hold on to them and make them your top priority!

I don't know if you belong to a church. I do not. But looking for those who might make common cause is important for keeping your head above water, even if they're not exactly your type. Though I am not a believer, I find myself more and more sharing a lot in my world outlook with traditional Catholics. They have a communitarian ethos coupled with wholesome traditions of family, human dignity, local connections and a reverence for the created order. You well understand our failing modern civilization. But take some time to look into what it was pre-modernity. You will find what a rich and beautiful inheritance was squandered, but still available for those who care to rediscover it. Before the rise of modernity and its basis in materialism and the rise of the capitalist mercantile class, much of our civilization was based on something now called the Aristotelian-Thomist synthesis. It was basically the merging of the classical and Christian traditions. Europe before the Reformation was reformulating Christianity according to the native European spirit, attempting to fuse a belief in the objectivity of nature with the need for a transcendent, purposeful view of life. The Reformation was actually a reaction against this development, but that's another conversation. Not that I'm expecting a re-creation of the pre-modern era, but we can derive a lot of insight from that epoch for thinking about what a post-liberal era will look like (classical and modern liberalism, as you mentioned). I read not too long ago Patrick Deneen's book "Why Liberalism Failed", and it was one of the most revelatory things I've ever read. It's a powerful way of explaining the liberal paradigm we've been hypnotized by over the past 500 years. It can be a great relief to find those who are like-minded, seeking the descriptions and explanations that help us see up from down and why we are in the mess we are in. Also, if you've never encountered Richard Weaver, I recommend you read his book "Ideas Have Consequences". That is among the greatest books supporting a sane world outlook, and a very powerful and intelligent rant against our modern, degenerate mode of life. At the very least, a cathartic experience.

I wish I could run into more youth like you. It would make the coming years hopeful.

Take care.

Gandiva 3 points ago +3 / -0

The reflection on the plane looks like the black SUVs that can be seen parked there from the opposite angle (other side of plane). When you see the crowd from that other angle, it becomes clear that they are quite a ways further from the plane than they appear in this photo from the hangar angle. So, the SUVs are blocking the reflection of the crowd in the engine paint. While true that this crowd is significantly smaller than this angle makes it appear, it does appear to me like they are real. I have no doubt that many of them are recruited and paid to be there, but still, Trump shouldn't be falling for this.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0


Mark Passio gives the best presentation I've ever seen on occultism. It's not often that I find a presentation on the occult that seems solid and sharable. I usually have to siphon off small clips of information that are worthwhile, then discard the rest as sensationalism or exaggeration. But this guy's got a full and coherent presentation, a lot of which is due to his delving into underlyng motivations for why people organize around such ideas. I've never seen someone demonstrate so well how the satanic worldview has been largely absorbed and unconcsciously adopted by modern society. There's a sense of ordinariness about it all that he introduces. Not ordinary in the sense of normal, but ordinary in the sense that it seems inevitable and understandable that certain perverse or deranged humans will gravitate towards this. Mostly narcissists and psychopaths, and other serious personality disorders, which then suck up a lot of weak but otherwise not defective masses at large.

Gandiva 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sending the issue back to the states is completely independent from whether certain states broaden their abortion options. Under Roe, 6 states already allowed abortion up to birth, and any other state could have done so had it chosen to by legislature or referendum. Since Dobbs, 1 more state, Maine, has effectively opened up abortion to the point of birth. The only actual effect that overturning Roe has had on broadening abortion options is the reaction in blue states to Dobbs that has caused them to do what they might have just as easily done before Dobbs. In other words, "sending it back to the states" has ended up providing a net lowering of abortions in red states, while retaining the ability for blue states to do what they might have done before. Overall, this is a win for opponents of abortion.

Gandiva 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's the Senate vote:


Tuberville and Paul would have voted against the bill, but for whatever reason didn't vote. Tim Scott didn't vote either, but said he supported the bill.

So we have 17 good Republican Senators, and 32 bad ones. That's a great improvement since Trump started the MAGA movement. We really should appreciate what a great achievement that is! And more than half of Republican Representatives voted against the bill. Also, more good Senators will come in after 2024. Sen. Braun, who voted against the bill, will be replaced by Rep. Banks who also voted against it in the House. MT and OH are going to gain Trump-endorsed, MAGA-aligned Republican Senators. Unfortunately, I think WV is going to get a RINO to replace Manchin. Assuming at minimum 3 Republican pickups, the ratio after 2024 of good to bad Republican Senators should be 19 to 33. Also, if Lake, Hovde and Brown get in from AZ, WI and NV, they will be good Senators, too.

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