""To Catch a Predator" ended primarily due to the suicide of Bill Conradt, a Texas assistant district attorney who was caught in an undercover sting operation by the show, leading to significant legal and ethical concerns regarding the show's methods, ultimately causing NBC to cancel the series."
Bwhahaha!! Anon! I just seen this on X.. and chocolate milk shot out my nose when Chris Hansen started speaking in Spanish! LOL 🤣🐸🍿🥤 M O V I E S ON M O V I E S!!!!!!!
I didn't even know he was still doing this, it has been so many years since I last heard him mentioned.
He does a podcast, Predators I've Caught, and his show on Tru Blu. He is awesome at catching these weirdos.
I thought it got pulled off the air because some guy self-deleted
""To Catch a Predator" ended primarily due to the suicide of Bill Conradt, a Texas assistant district attorney who was caught in an undercover sting operation by the show, leading to significant legal and ethical concerns regarding the show's methods, ultimately causing NBC to cancel the series."
I love how he says "no por favor"
Bwhahaha!! Anon! I just seen this on X.. and chocolate milk shot out my nose when Chris Hansen started speaking in Spanish! LOL 🤣🐸🍿🥤 M O V I E S ON M O V I E S!!!!!!!
that's great and all, just don't take any checks from hanson, ask for cash up front. IYKYK...