posted ago by DIAFhillary ago by DIAFhillary +76 / -0

As I've said previously I have worked in and out of law enforcement in the midwest for a number of years. And I come to you today to tell you the LGBT / Trans crowd is really losing it all, because when these people lose they cannot control their emotions and eventually actions. You already don't have rational thought going on upstairs as it is. I myself came across a blue and green haired specimen today that was working in a room by herself fully masked up...

Apparently these people are so brainwashed and gone, when they lose it involves choosing to make threats against those changing that little kumbiya sphere of peace and happiness back to a merit based system. A system where the LGBT crowd is no longer a preferred group. Threats of bodily harm are being made to intimidate certain officials at the local and state levels because things are changing so fast with Trump, and certain Republican Governors, in office.

I'm here to tell you the police take this shit seriously and are ready to do our jobs and lock these people up. What needs to happen is these threats need to come to the surface so the general public sees these people for who they are.