Piece of garbage wanted our guys on the front lines. The fact Russia didn't take him out is all you need to know. Putin knows Z is an incompetent clown and didn't want him replaced with someone who might have a brain.
Do we have a running list of what he and his immediate family have spent large sums of money on since the U.S. started giving him money? I think that would wake up people.
The face you make... when the funding that you've used to keep your military leaders and goon squads loyal to you... is cut off.
Piece of garbage wanted our guys on the front lines. The fact Russia didn't take him out is all you need to know. Putin knows Z is an incompetent clown and didn't want him replaced with someone who might have a brain.
This guy is a moron! He should be hotfooting it to his bunker right now.
Or, PEACE coming soon.
Do we have a running list of what he and his immediate family have spent large sums of money on since the U.S. started giving him money? I think that would wake up people.