Two years x 2 is a total of four. I want my Congressman to have more knowledge of the process than 4 years. If you have a good one you lose them too soon. However 4 years is long enough to decide if they are with their constituents or against. 6 might be optimal. Every two years they have to spend hours getting re-elected. Maybe 3 year term instead of 2 - with 2 term limits?
Yes, representative terms are two years which is not long, but Senate term is 6 years. I agree they spend a lot of time campaigning - too much. I believe campaign reform needs to happen along with term limits so they dont spend half their term on being elected.
Two years x 2 is a total of four. I want my Congressman to have more knowledge of the process than 4 years. If you have a good one you lose them too soon. However 4 years is long enough to decide if they are with their constituents or against. 6 might be optimal. Every two years they have to spend hours getting re-elected. Maybe 3 year term instead of 2 - with 2 term limits?
Yes, representative terms are two years which is not long, but Senate term is 6 years. I agree they spend a lot of time campaigning - too much. I believe campaign reform needs to happen along with term limits so they dont spend half their term on being elected.