5 Super Creepy New Technologies That Should Chill All of Us to the Core
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"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension". -Nikola Tesla
""You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension". -Nikola Tesla"
...Nikola didn't speak about things he was unsure of...
I'm not sure that anti gravity propulsion would be such a bad thing....
Antigrav is literally bending space and time . Do you still feel confident nothing can go wrong?
Space and time are illusions
They are constructs to realize consciousness
The component of time is where the free energy comes from
LOL!! My dear boy. Stop following Einstein particle physics. It's bogus. A theory that never became fact. This is a magnetic/electric universe. Antigrav is not space and time bending.
They are familiar terms used so I don't have to get into the weeds of describing moving thru consciousness
What is space made of?
Careful!!! You might get stuck like that!!!
See? Mom was right...your face really could get stuck like that!
"I'm not sure that anti gravity propulsion would be such a bad thing...."
...the question that some find a wee bit bothering...
...what are the effects of the "waves" once they are generated in respect to its use in the Earth's gravitational field...
Gravity connects with all mater in the universe perpetually, and simultaneously, Earths gravity is tied to the farthest object in the universe, and all other points within the universe. There is a legitimate case to be made for not tampering with that universal force.
If you can reverse or nullify it, then it seems you could amplify it. That would be a messy bomb.
Nothing tells us that man learns nothing from history like history itself! (said by someone smarter than me but true fer sur!)
There is a video from the 50-ties in which a guy from Calofornia, operating an airport, receiving some visitors from a spaceship. They provided him with an equation of sorts and after much puzzling was able to get it to work and build a machine with which he could put on a television set events that had taken place 2000 years ago, thanks to residual energy from that event being still present.
It is reminiscent of the line: what we do in life, echos into eternity.
IF this is true, I would wonder about the very nature of reality: what is it? On the other hand, if the 4 story device this guy had built would allow access to what amounts to Akashic records, why what then is the function of internet and AI? What does it create?
At any rate: it is good to read how the CCP is capable of copy pasta. Which is nothing new. An LMM replicating itself is nice. As long as it is contained, it will soon find out that the space available for replication is limited. The real danger lies in the capacity to replicate with unlimited space, and energy control.
" thanks to residual energy from that event being still present."
...this ties in with the concept that time does not travel in a linear line...
My blood is not chilled.
Self-replicating A.I.: Only as good or powerful at the A.I. being replicated. We exert control by (a) NEVER connecting it to the internet, and (b) ALWAYS providing a power-disconnect panic button.
The Stargate project: entirely a private affair, not a public-private activity. It will go either somewhere or nowhere. To Be Determined.
The Chinese "artificial sun": A nothingburger. Did not achieve fusion. A long way still to go. The only process more boring than fusion research is natural erosion.
"Jurassic Park": Recreating deadly dinosaurs is a reason not to recreate non-deadly mammals? Then why get upset when things go extinct?
U.S. secret anti-gravity propulsion: Since it has been fiction for decades, it will likely remain so. (Don't you recognize a narrative when it has been repeated ad nauseam by a continuous march of "highly-credible sources" with no physical evidence ever being shown?)