Don't worry frens, Gates is long gone.
Short drop with a sudden stop on the gallows.
Who is up there on the world stage, I don't know, but it's not the real Gates.
And by the way "muh clones" is just another deep state psyop to throw us off from what They really are.
"In the form of man they (walk) amongst us, but only to site where they as our men. Serpent-headed when the veil is lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the councils, slaying by their dark arts the rulers of the kingdoms and taking on their form to rule over man."
👆🏽 "Full picture would put 99% of people (the world) in the hospital." Q
No, Q was not referring to "med beds"…
Go back and look at the Q post and understand the context in which Q said that.
He was describing what we're up against.
"The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it."
Reminds me of the concept of the tabletop roleplaying setting called Urban Arcana where that pimp on the street corner is actually a bugbear, and the elites are like...polymorphed dragons or mind flayers or something but most humans can't comprehend this so they just see a fat human pimp on the street corner instead.
Kill this mother fucker already
Don't worry frens, Gates is long gone.
Short drop with a sudden stop on the gallows.
Who is up there on the world stage, I don't know, but it's not the real Gates.
And by the way "muh clones" is just another deep state psyop to throw us off from what They really are.
They Live was a documentary.
"In the form of man they (walk) amongst us, but only to site where they as our men. Serpent-headed when the veil is lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the councils, slaying by their dark arts the rulers of the kingdoms and taking on their form to rule over man."
👆🏽 "Full picture would put 99% of people (the world) in the hospital." Q
No, Q was not referring to "med beds"…
Go back and look at the Q post and understand the context in which Q said that.
He was describing what we're up against.
"The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it."
"Expand your thinking."
Agree with you, but also clones are real. It's kind of a yes/and situation IMO.
Reminds me of the concept of the tabletop roleplaying setting called Urban Arcana where that pimp on the street corner is actually a bugbear, and the elites are like...polymorphed dragons or mind flayers or something but most humans can't comprehend this so they just see a fat human pimp on the street corner instead.
Gates is long gone? Hogwash. Sure, according to Real Raw News.
How did RRN know Gen. Eric Smith was going to be made head of the Marine Corps 5 months in advance?