The current elites must be replaced by a new generation capable of engaging in constructive dialogue. Only then can Europe rejoin the world as a responsible partner, not a source of perpetual conflict.
Apr 08, 2018 12:09:57 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e23926 No. 951358
Apr 08, 2018 11:29:24 AM EDT
Anonymous ID: 446509 No. 950959
PUTIN is Russias President.
His job is to look after the Russian people.
Put yourself in his shoes.
He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.
Trump comes along.
Russia/PUTIN becomes our Ally
Xi becomes our Ally
Xi and PUTIN are also under attack by the deep state which is rooted Globally
Did you also notice his giddy posture? I have not seen Putin this way before or after. It seems to me, given what I know of smiling in Russian culture, there is something, here!
The MSN quickly presumed things, and were not super wrong in their assertion there was a deal made. But there were on the wrong foot, as they presumed Trump being a Putin stooge.
The end effect is:
The ball was now in Trumps court.
And now, Putin admits that had Trump been President, the 2022 start of the special Military operation might not have started at all, confirming Trump's assertion.
So, right there, in Finland, in Helsinki, they made a deal. A deal that would explain this limited military Operation in Ukraine, the reason why Putin retreated after the Minsk accords.