Note: He did not actually call for Congress to abolish it. Not yet. He simply stated that its something that should be done. To return to the system when the Income Tax did not exist. He does this by describing how it was back then.
Should do....
Title is misleading, and very clicky.
It seems clear that he is going in this direction, and there is plenty of signal around the idea, but it's not quite at the level when he's "calling on Congress" to do any specific X.
Note: He did not actually call for Congress to abolish it. Not yet. He simply stated that its something that should be done. To return to the system when the Income Tax did not exist. He does this by describing how it was back then.
Should do....
Title is misleading, and very clicky.
It seems clear that he is going in this direction, and there is plenty of signal around the idea, but it's not quite at the level when he's "calling on Congress" to do any specific X.
Definitely we need money coming in from tariffs before he can abolish or slash the income tax.
Says who? Every dime pays for interest only. Stop spending. There are zero reasons anyone should want to pay a tax. It's brainwashing.