8+9=17 of the cabal is likely being hi-jacked by whitehats. The useful idiots at "The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" probably don't even know they are beclowning themselves. Biblical 17 appears to be composed of "10" representing God (Biblical alpha & omega) and "7" representing a Godly human working together in close alliance in humanity's interest.
This is my theory on "17" is that there are two versions, one evil (8+9) and one good (10+7), and who controls the one that gets deployed determines the fate of humanity. Reference 1489 takeover of Vatican by "New World Order" and 1989 kickoff of NWO 100 year plan to destroy American Republic under Bush Sr (after apparent completion of 100 plan to destroy Russia, kicked off 1889 with fake pandemic).
That may have also been comms of "patriots in control" way back then as the Cuban missile crisis appears to have been planned for 1963-4. JFK likely was warned about the planned false flag by Eisenhower and he "pulled it forward" to 1961 in order to defuse it with pre-planned backchannel with Krushchev (possibly also setup by Eisenhower). Note that from 1889 (start of 100 year plan to destroy Russia via fake pandemic) 1889+25=1914 (WW1), 1914+25=1939 (WW2), 1939+25=1964 (WW3, attempt #1). [fingerprints of the 25 year segmented cabal operational plans within a larger 100 year scheme].
They are mocking God by using a "fake 17" composed of 8+9. I suspect "8" is "infinite" and "9" is evil as 9 or as an inverted 6 which is a "reduced Godly man" as 7-1=6. So the "fake 17" represents "infinite evil" with "reduced man" as its instrument. REAL 17 is 10+7=17, imo, which represent man in God's image working to benefit humanity.
8 + 9 = __
There's our signal. Precipice back on the menu.
8+9=17 of the cabal is likely being hi-jacked by whitehats. The useful idiots at "The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" probably don't even know they are beclowning themselves. Biblical 17 appears to be composed of "10" representing God (Biblical alpha & omega) and "7" representing a Godly human working together in close alliance in humanity's interest.
29JAN2025; "Doomsday Clock is now 89 seconds to midnight, the closest yet to catastrophe": https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/doomsday-clock-is-now-89-seconds-to-midnight-the-closest-yet-to-catastrophe
This is my theory on "17" is that there are two versions, one evil (8+9) and one good (10+7), and who controls the one that gets deployed determines the fate of humanity. Reference 1489 takeover of Vatican by "New World Order" and 1989 kickoff of NWO 100 year plan to destroy American Republic under Bush Sr (after apparent completion of 100 plan to destroy Russia, kicked off 1889 with fake pandemic).
I read the comments and it doesn't look like the people are buying their crap anymore. Cuban missile crisis was 7 minutes to midnight.
That may have also been comms of "patriots in control" way back then as the Cuban missile crisis appears to have been planned for 1963-4. JFK likely was warned about the planned false flag by Eisenhower and he "pulled it forward" to 1961 in order to defuse it with pre-planned backchannel with Krushchev (possibly also setup by Eisenhower). Note that from 1889 (start of 100 year plan to destroy Russia via fake pandemic) 1889+25=1914 (WW1), 1914+25=1939 (WW2), 1939+25=1964 (WW3, attempt #1). [fingerprints of the 25 year segmented cabal operational plans within a larger 100 year scheme].
Science seems like some made up stats.
It would be way better to call it SWAG and have a bit of a party to celebrate.
God decides, not these shysters!!
Exactly. Trump comes along, makes instant moves to STABILISE the world and end wars and crimes, but these unelected bureaucrats see it as doomsday.
In a way it is doomsday, for them and their “system of control”, fear being a massive component.
And of course this “scientist” just happens to be a member of the tribe. Purely a coincidence.
You are watching a movie.
They are mocking God by using a "fake 17" composed of 8+9. I suspect "8" is "infinite" and "9" is evil as 9 or as an inverted 6 which is a "reduced Godly man" as 7-1=6. So the "fake 17" represents "infinite evil" with "reduced man" as its instrument. REAL 17 is 10+7=17, imo, which represent man in God's image working to benefit humanity.
Their clock is broken
Frankly, I'm surprised they didn't just move it 66.6 seconds to midnight and publicly reveal their true allegiance.