Pepe getting a press pass. I also think it would be fair to put fake news in the back row or at a kiddie table. They are nearly irrelevant and the ones with the best credentials should be up front.
What about that guy from Africa, I believe, that kept interrupting a press briefing because they would never call on him to ask a question? Put him front and center just to rub the rest of the stupid deepstate journalists' noses in it.
Pepe getting a press pass. I also think it would be fair to put fake news in the back row or at a kiddie table. They are nearly irrelevant and the ones with the best credentials should be up front.
What about that guy from Africa, I believe, that kept interrupting a press briefing because they would never call on him to ask a question? Put him front and center just to rub the rest of the stupid deepstate journalists' noses in it.