OP is some retarded CCP clown who post around 3am in the morning Finnish time, yet insist that he lives in Finland. This is a re-post of his former attempt at whatever shenanigan he's trying to pull: https://scored.co/c/TheDonald/p/19AKKGCRB2/x/c
You can tell from his history that he hates Finland, yet he's too retarded to notice that this post makes Finland look better than the US, something a few users pointed out in his previous post.
Some eurosmug posted this image in X comparing American political elite and Scandinavian political elite but the title of this post is my personal comment.
It is comparison of America and Scandinavian political elite some eurosmug posted to X but the title of this post is my comment. The comments in X were saying how much better the Scandinavian political elite seems in comparison to American political elite.
Poor RFK Jr...
Look at the pain on his face...
He must be either being initiated or doing penance...
What is the context for this post. Who is making the claim? This picture standing alone provides little value toward make the argument.
OP is some retarded CCP clown who post around 3am in the morning Finnish time, yet insist that he lives in Finland. This is a re-post of his former attempt at whatever shenanigan he's trying to pull: https://scored.co/c/TheDonald/p/19AKKGCRB2/x/c
You can tell from his history that he hates Finland, yet he's too retarded to notice that this post makes Finland look better than the US, something a few users pointed out in his previous post.
Some eurosmug posted this image in X comparing American political elite and Scandinavian political elite but the title of this post is my personal comment.
This post makes zero sense.
It is comparison of America and Scandinavian political elite some eurosmug posted to X but the title of this post is my comment. The comments in X were saying how much better the Scandinavian political elite seems in comparison to American political elite.
The Scandinavian elite look like a textbook villan in a spy movie.