(I imagine) the bioweapon aspect was part of a thesis to stop people eating meat, given hat Lyme disease makes one violently allergic to meat.
Easy, ticks carry it. Get bitten by tick > get Lyme disease - plausible deniability. That will teach people for walking in tick-riddled fields - right? Nothing to do with biowepons, or the lab - see?
Also: possibly tied up with an agenda to sell fake meat...
Did anyone remember the 'science' of removing religious 'fanaticisim' through a virus?
Lyme disease is strictly in the NE caused by a deer tick. The lone star tick is much larger and not a deer tick.
These ticks are on the larger side when compared to other ticks and are significantly larger than the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis). The adult Lone Star tick is usually 1/3 inch long but increases to about 1/2 inch after a blood meal.
Im glad you answered my reply because my true point, more than disputing you, is that the Lyme Disease tick is not the only bioweapon unleashed using ticks. The meat allergies caused by the lone star tick fall right in line with their larger agenda of a meatless society eating bugs.
Q. Why did they use it on people in the U.S. ? I'm just too simple a man to see what these assholes have been doing. Evil, is evil for evils sake. I just don't understand misery, why would you do this?
(I imagine) the bioweapon aspect was part of a thesis to stop people eating meat, given hat Lyme disease makes one violently allergic to meat.
Easy, ticks carry it. Get bitten by tick > get Lyme disease - plausible deniability. That will teach people for walking in tick-riddled fields - right? Nothing to do with biowepons, or the lab - see?
Also: possibly tied up with an agenda to sell fake meat...
Did anyone remember the 'science' of removing religious 'fanaticisim' through a virus?
I think you are conflating with another tick that made the news this past summer called the lone star tick. It has people in Ohio freaking out.
Lyme disease is strictly in the NE caused by a deer tick. The lone star tick is much larger and not a deer tick.
Black-legged deer tick (northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and North-Central U.S.)
Western black-legged tick (Pacific coastal U.S.)
I think that's nice, but I was generalizing, as in: bity creatures that are infected with some soyence.
Im glad you answered my reply because my true point, more than disputing you, is that the Lyme Disease tick is not the only bioweapon unleashed using ticks. The meat allergies caused by the lone star tick fall right in line with their larger agenda of a meatless society eating bugs.
Are you referring to removing the “God” gene?
the clip I saw, they were talking about infecting cloth-heads in Afghanistan.
Q. Why did they use it on people in the U.S. ? I'm just too simple a man to see what these assholes have been doing. Evil, is evil for evils sake. I just don't understand misery, why would you do this?