Reposting Essentially Same Content
ATTN: GA.W Users
Guys & gals, good vibes only, but the feed is getting jammed up with reposts of the same content. Even if you post out of excitement, I'd say it's polite to scan the feed and delete your post if you're not breaking news...... ♥️
Hmmm... OK. I mean, if you get the notice that it's been addressed, then that does suggest or indicate the mod has either taken action or chosen not to.
Pretty sure its a judghment call. The mod has a lot of personal discretion as to whether he/she thinks a particular action should be taken: i.e. removal of duplicates - evaluating just how duplicate are they?
I think that the mod team have general outlines and guidelines in place, but there is a LOT of individual discretionary action. But don't quote me on that.