Farmers whose cows fart too much to be taxed under Washington Dems’ new proposal
“You’re asking the growers to pay more taxes, more regulation, in a time when you have record low commodity prices and their costs are astronomical right now. It’s just wrong!”
But what about whales, whales fart you know. I heard one whale farted so loud a submarine chased after it for two weeks thinking it was a whisper quiet soviet sub. Let's leave the cows alone, let's focus on soviet farting whales.
'Green' crap needs to come under Crimes Against Humanity laws and be punishable by death.
I don't know what need to go under but those who voted for this, check their money laundering, and if true, punishable by death.
Yes my God !
The worst thing about it, is how terrified they have kids, who see eating meat as a crime.
It's also cruel.
Have you seen the fart-bag contraptions the cows are forced to wear? This in a time when people are freaking about factory-chickens and penned pigs.
Just remind me, before the millions of buffaloes were slaughtered, did they fart while roaming free on the prairies?
Why suddenly, right now, today, it’s so important to kill all the protein rich livestock to save the planet?
Environmentalists are marxist parasites.
I wish I hadn’t read this but thank you for letting us know , where is peta or whoever the animal loving people are , so sickening .. all for a fat fkn lie !
No. You are joking, right?
This is beyond ridiculous. I hope the people fight back instead of drinking Koolaid
I know right? I found those when I was researching Fonterra. NZ's only dairy giant (and all its shocking Human Resources practices). it made me angry. imagine the sweaty hot-spot on the cow's back, under that bag.
It's criminal.
It's beyond bad. Do not abuse both animals and farmers.
Inhumane where the duck is peta or others who supposedly care about animals
They are just money laundering agency. You know this, right?
It looks more like a BabylonBee article accidentally escaped into the wild.
"Farting cows" interesting description of the Washington State legislature
They should all be deported (I mean the politicians voting for this)
You have to blame the citizens for this.
I would not blame the citizens. I am telling you they are being poisoned there with something and I don't know what. it that bad?
I have friends that fart more than cows. Will they be next target.
Howls. In WA, yes. Definitely.