Isn't it mind blowing? And it was written so long ago! Nailed every point. I watched it about 10 years ago when I was asleep. It's on my list of movies to watch again. Its amazing how once you wake up and go back and watch some of these "telling" movies, it gives you a whole new truthful perspective.
Its sad though, because I'm only 54, but I live in a retirement community of senior boomers, who some I consider friends and even though this movie was written during their era, they are much to afraid, and I mean terrified to discover anything that is different from what they were programmed their whole entire life on this planet to see, do, and be.
IMHO, you are either hard wired to question things, to go through life seeking answers, or you're not. No judgment really, it can be a depressing frustrating and often lonely road to be "awake" per se. But it's inate, you just can't go along with the accepted narrative, so you remain unsettled because you know that despite your research and applying the very best of your critical thinking , you still are missing things and you still could be very very wrong even about the things you think you are getting right. It's kinda exhausting. Sometimes I envy people who are just content.
We've lost the big thinkers. Or perhaps we didn't lose them, we simply allowed for the creation of a system and a culture where those people could be muted or ignored.
When I see an otherwise patriotic conservative pleased that taxes were cut by a few percent, I want to shake them and scream "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY THEM AT ALL!". But you're a crazy man if you say that.
While the thing I want most from President Trump is the exposure of the criminal bastards that have run our little planet for millennia, my 2nd biggest want is lots and lots of BHAG's. Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.
And I want patriots to embrace those audacious goals. No federal taxes. Fewer laws. Persuasion instead of force. Throwing down the shackles of decades of CIA psyops convincing people that several very real esoteric subjects are not real.
We have a golden age ahead of us but we have to think BIG.
Isn't it mind blowing? And it was written so long ago! Nailed every point. I watched it about 10 years ago when I was asleep. It's on my list of movies to watch again. Its amazing how once you wake up and go back and watch some of these "telling" movies, it gives you a whole new truthful perspective.
Its sad though, because I'm only 54, but I live in a retirement community of senior boomers, who some I consider friends and even though this movie was written during their era, they are much to afraid, and I mean terrified to discover anything that is different from what they were programmed their whole entire life on this planet to see, do, and be.
Take care.
IMHO, you are either hard wired to question things, to go through life seeking answers, or you're not. No judgment really, it can be a depressing frustrating and often lonely road to be "awake" per se. But it's inate, you just can't go along with the accepted narrative, so you remain unsettled because you know that despite your research and applying the very best of your critical thinking , you still are missing things and you still could be very very wrong even about the things you think you are getting right. It's kinda exhausting. Sometimes I envy people who are just content.
It's a good movie. If I recall correctly the entire movie is just the conversation between the two main characters.
I was a teen when I saw that film and I remember being fascinated. Need to re- watch.
"I'll have quail as well!" - Aw, I love Wally and Andre. What a piece of nostalgia.
Such a pity that Wally has TDS:
We've lost the big thinkers. Or perhaps we didn't lose them, we simply allowed for the creation of a system and a culture where those people could be muted or ignored.
When I see an otherwise patriotic conservative pleased that taxes were cut by a few percent, I want to shake them and scream "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY THEM AT ALL!". But you're a crazy man if you say that.
While the thing I want most from President Trump is the exposure of the criminal bastards that have run our little planet for millennia, my 2nd biggest want is lots and lots of BHAG's. Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.
And I want patriots to embrace those audacious goals. No federal taxes. Fewer laws. Persuasion instead of force. Throwing down the shackles of decades of CIA psyops convincing people that several very real esoteric subjects are not real.
We have a golden age ahead of us but we have to think BIG.
Ain't that somethin'?