I remember reading articles from farmers that said federal agents would show up to their farms and say your birds are infected with bird flu. You must kill all your birds. They said no one ever showed up before to talk to them, or collect any birds. They were forced to act on that order by the government and kill all their animals.
Some farmers even tested their birds on their own and said the birds were healthy.
The agents also told them the government would compensate them for their losses. Of course that didn't happen.
I live near San Francisco, and an 18 count box of eggs was $19.00 last week at the store.
A) eggs are traditionally a great cheap source of protein for poorer folks.
B) turns out eggs contain nutrients that help fight covid.
C) poor people aren’t going to starve themselves or avoid covid cures, or vote retarded unless someone traps them into it.
D) something something always Trump’s fault
I remember reading articles from farmers that said federal agents would show up to their farms and say your birds are infected with bird flu. You must kill all your birds. They said no one ever showed up before to talk to them, or collect any birds. They were forced to act on that order by the government and kill all their animals.
Some farmers even tested their birds on their own and said the birds were healthy.
The agents also told them the government would compensate them for their losses. Of course that didn't happen.
I live near San Francisco, and an 18 count box of eggs was $19.00 last week at the store.
My chicken coop just got bigger
That's an eggzalent idea! 🐥
A 17 count box is gonna cost $1.99
They DID have a 17 count box. It was $1.50.