Definitely a thought though, if the released tower communications are valid/real, all three soldiers (on the helicopter) may have had to be in on it. Alternatively, I suppose, the pilot may have been the senior person and instructed them to keep quiet and told them that barreling directly towards the commercial flight was part of their training. Still, I would have expected to hear a little "Aloha Snackbar!" or such before the actual collision (like that nutbag Egyptian pilot a couple decades ago).
Another possibility is remote-control of the helicopter, but then I would have expected to hear those same men screaming bloody murder that their control of the helo was compromised.
No, we're not sure, but can presume that the released tower recording, assuming it's actual/real, indicates the ATC obviously thought someone was on board the helo. Unmanned, as you posit here, is a definite possibility.
As is likely usual after a disaster event there's a lot of confusion, a proliferation of info, some of it made up out of thin air. I'd originally heard there were three survivors, had heard the DoD whisked the "3 soldiers" off to a nearby base (bodies or injured guys?) and people were complaining we'd never know the actual truth.
I've heard the helo tried slamming into four other commercial aircraft before they succeeded in hitting this unfortunate one. Seems a bit outlandish of a claim, as I would have expected someone to notice a bunch of near misses. Then again, if they're DEI ATCs anything is possible.
Who can say, kamikaze?
Definitely a thought though, if the released tower communications are valid/real, all three soldiers (on the helicopter) may have had to be in on it. Alternatively, I suppose, the pilot may have been the senior person and instructed them to keep quiet and told them that barreling directly towards the commercial flight was part of their training. Still, I would have expected to hear a little "Aloha Snackbar!" or such before the actual collision (like that nutbag Egyptian pilot a couple decades ago).
Another possibility is remote-control of the helicopter, but then I would have expected to hear those same men screaming bloody murder that their control of the helo was compromised.
Some new blackhawks don't need anyone on board. They can be completely unmanned. Are we absolutely sure there was 3 people aboard?
No, we're not sure, but can presume that the released tower recording, assuming it's actual/real, indicates the ATC obviously thought someone was on board the helo. Unmanned, as you posit here, is a definite possibility.
As is likely usual after a disaster event there's a lot of confusion, a proliferation of info, some of it made up out of thin air. I'd originally heard there were three survivors, had heard the DoD whisked the "3 soldiers" off to a nearby base (bodies or injured guys?) and people were complaining we'd never know the actual truth.
I've heard the helo tried slamming into four other commercial aircraft before they succeeded in hitting this unfortunate one. Seems a bit outlandish of a claim, as I would have expected someone to notice a bunch of near misses. Then again, if they're DEI ATCs anything is possible.