It's NOT about YOUR safety... but instead making sure that people with mental handicaps and emotional issues have a job. If the FAA has to crack a few planes to make that omelette, then so be it.
Let's all remember Pete was in charge of roads in a small town before he became Transportation Secretary for the US. They called him pot hole Pete. They did not like him in his own town.
At least the FAA has it's priorities straight.
It's NOT about YOUR safety... but instead making sure that people with mental handicaps and emotional issues have a job. If the FAA has to crack a few planes to make that omelette, then so be it.
Did you notice that DEI has the same letters as DIE?
The look on beetlejuices face says it all. Ya, haven't been in a plane but once in 5 years.
Haven't we already done this?
At least once. Six months ago.
Let's all remember Pete was in charge of roads in a small town before he became Transportation Secretary for the US. They called him pot hole Pete. They did not like him in his own town.
Yet, don't dare let my fingernail clippers on the plane with me
Straight out of the Idiocracy movie:
Maybe they will unplug the control tower consoles or make a broach out of the latest bulletins. Should be an entertaining control tower soon.