General Thomas McInerney discussed Foreign 2020 Election Interference, Hammer & Scorecard, And Italy Changing Votes
• There was an affidavit in Italy
——The affidavit he is referring to is of Aldi’s D’urso. Reportedly a Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor who testified in an Italian Federal Court; that he and Others Switched Votes
—— “What she’s talking about is a person who is telling the world what Italy’s role was using the Italian Government satellite, Leonardo, and they were changing votes.”
Italian & US Intelligence Testimony that the 2020 U.S. Election was stolen from President Donald Trump using Foreign Satellites
• In Italy, Leonardo, a defense contracting firm had strange people come and go from Frankfurt into the Italian US Embassy.
According to Italian Intelligence, they were at Leonardo to change the results of the 2020 election Presidential Election.
—— This was a calculated attempt to take down presidencies and control entire countries.
• A hand delivered letter that described how the election was stolen was delivered to Donald Trump on Christmas Eve in 2020
• Arturo D’Elia was willing to testify….
• Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department head, in an audio recording, reveals there was an operation to rescue Arturo—— But it never happened and it was buried. • John Durham is in possession of documents relating to Barrack Obama moving $400 Million in Pallets of Cash to the Dubai Embassy into the Merrill Lynch Bank in Geneva Switzerland.
—— Leonardo SpA was in business with the same UBS Securities that infused $400 million into Staple Street Capital, the owner of Dominion Voting Systems, just weeks before the 2020 presidential election
VIDEO 1 General Thomas McInerney discussed Foreign 2020 Election Interference, Hammer & Scorecard, And Italy Changing Votes
• There was an affidavit in Italy ——The affidavit he is referring to is of Aldi’s D’urso. Reportedly a Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor who testified in an Italian Federal Court; that he and Others Switched Votes —— “What she’s talking about is a person who is telling the world what Italy’s role was using the Italian Government satellite, Leonardo, and they were changing votes.”
“There were many countries doing that, but it had to be controlled from China using HAMMER & SCORECARD, in my opinion, because you couldn’t have so many different attacks because you’d be changing numbers and all 50 states wouldn’t match up. That has to be synchronized.”
VIDEO 2 Italian & US Intelligence Testimony that the 2020 U.S. Election was stolen from President Donald Trump using Foreign Satellites
• In Italy, Leonardo, a defense contracting firm had strange people come and go from Frankfurt into the Italian US Embassy.
According to Italian Intelligence, they were at Leonardo to change the results of the 2020 election Presidential Election. —— This was a calculated attempt to take down presidencies and control entire countries.
• A hand delivered letter that described how the election was stolen was delivered to Donald Trump on Christmas Eve in 2020
• Arturo D’Elia was willing to testify….
• Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department head, in an audio recording, reveals there was an operation to rescue Arturo—— But it never happened and it was buried. • John Durham is in possession of documents relating to Barrack Obama moving $400 Million in Pallets of Cash to the Dubai Embassy into the Merrill Lynch Bank in Geneva Switzerland.
• Following the Coup, 5 Italian Government officials, including an ambassador, was murdered.
• This Coincides with Marco Polo’s report on the CCP using the Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA to steal US aerospace technology
—— Leonardo SpA was in business with the same UBS Securities that infused $400 million into Staple Street Capital, the owner of Dominion Voting Systems, just weeks before the 2020 presidential election
• This coincides with the Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election
• This coincides with General Thomas McInerney speaking about Leonardo and was Foreign Election Interference, Hammer & Scorecard, Italy Changing Votes
Leonardo also began working with CrowdStrike in the summer of 2020 for a "Cybersecurity partnership" -
Panic in DC
Wow. And they can’t censor it this time.
Tweet it, Elon.
It had to be this way. Kraken incoming.
Here's that affidavit