posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +157 / -0

I'm going through X using the search phrase "Kash" to see what I can find - noteworthy and interesting snippets of the Patel Hearings.

I've ntoiced a lot of posts highlighting this or that clip. Heck, I just posted one myself. But I thought it would be a good idea to make a decent list of clips and X posts related to Kash and the hearings, for the frogs that want to take a look.


Comment: Kash is the Donald Trump of Law Enforcement. He does not mince his words, he holds no punches, he sticks to the facts, and he tells it like it is....

Sen. Mike Lee to Kash (4:08) - The Endorsement

"Every FBI Director I’ve questioned has lied to me. @Kash_Patel told the truth."


Kash Patel Sparring with Sen. Watermelon Head Pencil Neck Esq. (4.5 minutes) - The Squeeling Pig Show


Kash on what the FBI must do - Kash Fights like a Pappa Lion defending the Cubs (1:37 mins) The Cub Defense


Kash vs Sen Klubfoot (aka Klobuchar )(3:04 mins) - The Slapdown

"Did you say that certain FBI offices should be shut down and made into museums? Blah blah..."

"... I've been endorsed by over 300,000 law enforcement officers. Let's ask them!"

Kash on how he will approach his job - The Pushback

"The only thing that will matter if confirmed is a deweaponized, depoliticized system of law enforcement, completely devoted to rigorous obedience to the Constitution and a singular standard of justice."


Kash and Marsha Blackburn (Not Marsha Brady) - The Epstein Thing (2:10 mins)

"Why are the Democrats so afraid of you"

"I don't know, Senator. You'd have to ask them."


Kash and Cruz - (Not a New Police Sitcom) - "The Nanci Pelosi January 6 DC Mayor Conundrum" (Spoiler Alert: Kash tells the committee what we all know) (2:08 mins) The Expose


Fun and Frivolity at the Kash Patel Hearings - (0:52) The Bad Ass Grass and Kennedy Side Show

Ken: I want my extra 3 minutes too! ... Grass: Let's wait and see if it's abused by anyone else before we go there... Kenn: I'm just telling you I'm going to abuse it!


Kash Drops the Bomb to Sen. Clubfoot (0:17) The Two Minute Bomb

"You've got two minutes"


Soss: https://x.com/search?q=kash%20&src=typed_query&f=top