He's helping accelerate the crash of the dollar, needs to put on a show that he isn't instigating it. When he puts in negative interest rates, just wait to see how fast it goes down. Common $40k 1 oz of gold revaluation!
FIAT money is about to die. We Germans as many other Western nations are living in a dying economy without any chance to recover.
Put simply, wealth is created through the production of goods demanded by others or through services for others. If the castles in the air of the “financial industry” are subtracted from the economic performance of Western countries, things look increasingly bad for all Western countries. Why do you think so many countries with emerging economies are lining up to join the BRICS?
I consider these statements by President Trump to be theatrical thunder. But I also think that his administration has plans in the drawer for the time after the crash of the paper currencies to rebuild the US economy.
I love the way he does not mince words.
To me he sounds like a little boy with his finger in the hole in the dyke.
He's helping accelerate the crash of the dollar, needs to put on a show that he isn't instigating it. When he puts in negative interest rates, just wait to see how fast it goes down. Common $40k 1 oz of gold revaluation!
This one has the middle finger, lol
And I agree with the sentiments from that thread too - it's a step closer to return to nationalism.
Isn't BRICs supposed to be our frens?
Fighting together against the NWO?
Yes, it's a fake fight. Showing the world BRICS is real and buying gold and silver.
FIAT money is about to die. We Germans as many other Western nations are living in a dying economy without any chance to recover.
Put simply, wealth is created through the production of goods demanded by others or through services for others. If the castles in the air of the “financial industry” are subtracted from the economic performance of Western countries, things look increasingly bad for all Western countries. Why do you think so many countries with emerging economies are lining up to join the BRICS?
I consider these statements by President Trump to be theatrical thunder. But I also think that his administration has plans in the drawer for the time after the crash of the paper currencies to rebuild the US economy.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)