posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +62 / -0

I found an interview that blew my mind. I had no idea how deep the UK government was involved in the treason being perpetrated here in the USA. Christopher Steel had the dossier they used to get the FISA warrants. That knowledge of the dossier went all the way up to the Prime Minister Theresa May. Ever wonder why she resigned in tears in 2019?

It goes deeper than that, UK (British Empire and intelligence agencies) are behind the globalist push for the New World Order. They are controlling our CIA and using our NSA to spy on us and steal technologies from the USA. I know it sounds hard to believe but, would the CIA act the way they do without some form of foreign control?

How did I find this interview?

Someone posted this video of video of General McInerney talking about China using Hammer and Scorecard to steal the 2020 election. Many countries were assisting with the vote fraud and China was synchronizing it using Hammer and scorecard.


That reminded me of Douglas Emhoff, Kamala's husband, being part of DLA Piper. DLA Piper is one of the world's largest law firms, was connected to the Smartmatic SGO Group, ran by Sir Nigel Knowles, Global CEO. Smartmatic makes the software for Dominion voting machines.

I was looking up dirt on Knowles and found an infographic here:


This graphic talks about 5 Eyes and gives the family history of Sir Nigel Knowles, points out he is a member of the Pilgrim Society. Here my folks is where the British Empire took control of the USA. Look here in the history section:


The Pilgrim Society connected influential families in the US, such as the Astors, Du Ponts, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Morgans and Vanderbilts, ⁣⁣with the British nobility and royal family. In addition to the British aristocracy and politics, important British banks and media houses were also represented.

Five Eyes was created in 1946, the idea was Five Eyes would coordinate/share intelligence data with each other. It was an intelligence alliance between the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Strange thing is, the 4 country we joined in alliance with are controlled by the British Empire.

THIS IS THE MOST FASCINATING INTERVIEW AND PROVIDES SO MUCH DETAIL INTO THE RUSSIA COLLUSION HOAX AND HOW THE UK GOVERNMENT WAS INVOLVED. They explain how Prime Minister Theresa May was involved and I wonder that perhaps through force by the Trump admin she was forced to step down in 2019. I won't go on any further, just listen to it.

Blinding the Five Eyes Hydra


Also, look at the bottom right paragraph on the infographic, it talks about Oracles Larry Ellison being part of this Pilgram Society and Trump just entered a $500 billion deal to build an AI network with Oracle. I have to dig into this another day.


Interesting information in the article here, it is where I found the infographic.


Did you know Rudy Guliani was Knighted by the Queen? He is a Knight Of The British Empire


Is this why Trump let him fall?

Have a good day!

PS: I deleted and reposted, I found several typos