Poor little Darlings. What evil souls these pedophiles have. I heard once that there was a trafficking trail from Indiana to Florida. Saudi royalty and others did not need to visit customs or have an inspection of their private jets. A child taken from a front yard in Indiana could be in SA in 36 hours. This is the first country 45 visited overseas. Not long after 45 left, the King called all the princes in SA to a luxury motel and locked them in. Many were executed and many were left without money. Can you remember an early EO that crimes against humanity and trafficking of humans would result in jail time and stripping away of money?? It is believed that Al Waleed bin Talal was hung by his feet and had them beaten for hours.
QDrop 539
Question by an Anon to Q. 49315
just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 BILLION to secure freedoom
Qs Answer
He doesn't have 6b.
We froze his assets.
Think logically.
When does a BIRD TALK?
45 next stop was to the Vatican. Remember the folder 45 held up on Jan. 6 - it was red. What is the colour of the folder the Pope gives his sermon from? Red. Me thinks it was a souvenir π³π
Next. To visit the Queen. Remember him walking in front of her? Who was outed not long after. Prince Andrew.
The little Asian girl Obama is kissing looks like the dead Asian girl taped up.
Same face, same haircut, same tone skin, same pattern on sweater.
What's Hunter doing with the tiny girl in garters? Worse is on his laptop.
Is she the same little one with Obama and George Clooney on his boat in Italy?
I don't think so. That looks to me like a different girl: https://preview.redd.it/pfi6kmsiiq541.jpg?auto=webp&s=347824d6ee023a834b226aa4caa7953dd0ce1924
Poor little Darlings. What evil souls these pedophiles have. I heard once that there was a trafficking trail from Indiana to Florida. Saudi royalty and others did not need to visit customs or have an inspection of their private jets. A child taken from a front yard in Indiana could be in SA in 36 hours. This is the first country 45 visited overseas. Not long after 45 left, the King called all the princes in SA to a luxury motel and locked them in. Many were executed and many were left without money. Can you remember an early EO that crimes against humanity and trafficking of humans would result in jail time and stripping away of money?? It is believed that Al Waleed bin Talal was hung by his feet and had them beaten for hours.
QDrop 539
just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 BILLION to secure freedoom
Qs Answer
He doesn't have 6b.
We froze his assets.
Think logically.
When does a BIRD TALK?
45 next stop was to the Vatican. Remember the folder 45 held up on Jan. 6 - it was red. What is the colour of the folder the Pope gives his sermon from? Red. Me thinks it was a souvenir π³π
Next. To visit the Queen. Remember him walking in front of her? Who was outed not long after. Prince Andrew.
Thank you for the nice trip down memory lane.