Obviously people who are already legal citizens can stay but the amount of new people coming into this country needs to be severely limited to near zero.
I like the near zero idea for sure! Halt immigration until the mess gets fixed. Then, if/when we start it back up, we go back to the way it was pre 1965. And part of this “immigration” clean up needs to go beyond deportations. Integration into the US needs to start immediately with no more catering to Hispanics and Muslims. Michigan and Minnesota, we’re looking at you and your very large Muslim communities.
Obviously people who are already legal citizens can stay but the amount of new people coming into this country needs to be severely limited to near zero.
No more illegals or H1-B abuse.
I like the near zero idea for sure! Halt immigration until the mess gets fixed. Then, if/when we start it back up, we go back to the way it was pre 1965. And part of this “immigration” clean up needs to go beyond deportations. Integration into the US needs to start immediately with no more catering to Hispanics and Muslims. Michigan and Minnesota, we’re looking at you and your very large Muslim communities.