I hope this leads to his arrest :
It actually will upon the first person killed by one.
I hope this leads to his arrest :
It actually will upon the first person killed by one.
Now I am thinking obstruction of justice. And it's real law, not that made up stuff they used on Trump. Illinois keeps going, they're going to catch up to Maryland's record for number of governors in jail.
I thought Illinois was ahead? I believe 4 of the last 10 went to jail, and their corruption goes WAY back.
I grew up in Maryland and would love for them to have the record, but I don't remember off the top of my head any of them going to jail while I was there. I did however leave at 17 to join the USAF so my time in "prison" was short.
I remember two with one close call. I just know that Baltimore produces graft in gross amounts. (😀
I used to love going to Baltimore when I was growing up. I went to as many O's games as I could once I could drive. Even the Harbor was great. Then I left for the USAF and did 10 years. My last 5 were at the Pentagon, so I decided I would go to an O's game my first year back. Even though I took the light rail there were gang symbols on the walls of the train and going up towards the stadium. It was no longer safe. I had a great aunt that lived in Middle River (near Baltimore) and she had bars installed on all her windows in her house. Now the schools are complete crap and nobody can read or write. 3rd world.
Yes. Baltimore used to have the most wonderful ethnic neighborhoods and restaurants. We loved going there. Then came the knock em down game and hoodlum reign of terror. If you are white, you are a target. You need to know exactly where you're going if you visit. Sad.