Ditto...but is he stupid enough to think he can get away with defying Trump??? THAT'S the question, IMHO. He's already said he was ok w/ recess appointments... Johnson said he'd play along. They've had the hearings and the typical coward RINOs have exposed themselves, again. With all the other moves he's making rapid fire, I'm thinking he gives a big FU to the RINOs and recess appoints the rest of his team....and starts the Justice phase NEXT WEEK.
per Grok: Is the US House of Representatives in recess?
4 posts
15 web pages
As of February 01, 2025, the U.S. House of Representatives is in recess. This information is based on the schedule outlined by recent posts on X and the congressional calendar for 2025.
This is what they're up to, coming back at 6:30pm. The House is adjourned until 12pm tomorrow.
Pamela Bondi (Cal. No. 12) (PN11-2)
Christopher Wright (Cal. No. 10) (PN11-15)
Douglas Collins (Cal. No. 7) (PN11-5)
Ordered, That at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 2025, the Senate vote on the motion to invoke
cloture on the nomination of Pamela Bondi, of Florida, to be Attorney General.
Ordered further, That cloture having been invoked on the the nominations of Christopher Wright, of
Colorado, to be Secretary of Energy and Douglas Collins, of Georgia, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs, all
post-cloture time be considered expired and the votes on confirmation of the nominations occur at times to be
determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Democratic Leader, no earlier than Monday,
February 3, 2025.
Ordered further, That if any nominations are confirmed during Monday’s session, the motions to
reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table and the President be immediately notified of the Senate’s
They aren't in recess. They were supposed to convene at 3 pm but aren't in session right now. Sometimes they adjourn to have time for a caucus to canoodle, sometimes to have time to armtwist recalcitrant members. The House adjourned minutes after convening this morning so I'm guessing they're all busy armtwisting or strategizing.
I asked Grok: As of 01:46 PM on February 01, 2025 PST, the U.S. Senate is indeed in recess. The Senate is scheduled to be adjourned until Monday, February 10, 2025, according to recent posts on X.
Floor ProceedingsMonday, Feb 3, 20253:00 p.m.: Convene and begin a period of morning business.
Floor Webcast
Senate Calendar (latest issue) Executive Calendar (latest issue, PDF) Tentative Floor Schedule
My Senator, the Honorable Senator Markwayne Mullin sent me this explanation in his email to Oklahoma citizens who care to receive his emails:
This is interesting. The House is scheduled to have no sessions (working in their districts) the week of Feb. 16-22, but the Senate isn't. However, BOTH houses will be out the week of March 15-21. There you go.
...something about this cat gives me the willies...
Ditto...but is he stupid enough to think he can get away with defying Trump??? THAT'S the question, IMHO. He's already said he was ok w/ recess appointments... Johnson said he'd play along. They've had the hearings and the typical coward RINOs have exposed themselves, again. With all the other moves he's making rapid fire, I'm thinking he gives a big FU to the RINOs and recess appoints the rest of his team....and starts the Justice phase NEXT WEEK.
" starts the Justice phase NEXT WEEK."
...no time to play...
per Grok: Is the US House of Representatives in recess? 4 posts 15 web pages As of February 01, 2025, the U.S. House of Representatives is in recess. This information is based on the schedule outlined by recent posts on X and the congressional calendar for 2025.
Do we really need a senate?
This is what they're up to, coming back at 6:30pm. The House is adjourned until 12pm tomorrow.
"UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT Pamela Bondi (Cal. No. 12) (PN11-2) Christopher Wright (Cal. No. 10) (PN11-15) Douglas Collins (Cal. No. 7) (PN11-5) Ordered, That at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 2025, the Senate vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Pamela Bondi, of Florida, to be Attorney General. Ordered further, That cloture having been invoked on the the nominations of Christopher Wright, of Colorado, to be Secretary of Energy and Douglas Collins, of Georgia, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs, all post-cloture time be considered expired and the votes on confirmation of the nominations occur at times to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Democratic Leader, no earlier than Monday, February 3, 2025. Ordered further, That if any nominations are confirmed during Monday’s session, the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table and the President be immediately notified of the Senate’s actions."
Maybe he's making sure recess appointments can be made if somebody doesn't have the votes?
It sure looks like the coast is clear for some Recess Appointments!!!!
They aren't in recess. They were supposed to convene at 3 pm but aren't in session right now. Sometimes they adjourn to have time for a caucus to canoodle, sometimes to have time to armtwist recalcitrant members. The House adjourned minutes after convening this morning so I'm guessing they're all busy armtwisting or strategizing.
Grok was unequivocal, for both the House and the Senate. I would LOVE to see the Justice Phase kick off first thing Monday morning!!!
I'm getting my info from the House and Senate websites, calendars and floor actions.
I asked Grok: As of 01:46 PM on February 01, 2025 PST, the U.S. Senate is indeed in recess. The Senate is scheduled to be adjourned until Monday, February 10, 2025, according to recent posts on X.
Hmm, that seems like 10 days...
The House reconvened this morning at 10 am and then adjourned at 10:03am. The Senate floor calendar for today called for them to reconvene at 3pm.
We were told he was McConnell "light" but maybe he is McConnell "heavy"? I don't think a lot of senators wanted him as the leader, but so it went.
My Senator, the Honorable Senator Markwayne Mullin sent me this explanation in his email to Oklahoma citizens who care to receive his emails:
So, the 30 Hour clock is still running. Senator Thune is "doing a great job."
This is interesting. The House is scheduled to have no sessions (working in their districts) the week of Feb. 16-22, but the Senate isn't. However, BOTH houses will be out the week of March 15-21. There you go.