News organizations have this thing about revealing sources. Maybe Durham has something to say about that. The airplane crash psyops are about the MSM crashing and burning. Try reading the statement in that context.
The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025. She has no deployments. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion, Ft Belvoir, Va. Her awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon."
"The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025."
I found an article where she was being homeschooled at age 11 and was supposedly an actual female. If she is mtf she started transitioning early. She does have that boy-ish look about her though.
Not going to Dox’Xing City with this but… for those who are interested, both her parents are MDs and so was her maternal grandfather. Someone at her family’s address had a contract with HHS. And her dad’s side smells like old money. Her dad, specifically, is in endocrinology. So if your associate is correct, the subject’s dad could have played an early role in the transition.
A dad who is an MD helping a kid transition as young as 11 (or earlier) - ugh that gives me the creeps. Based on your associate’s assessment, it is starting to sound not only possible but probable.
My issues: 1) Photo. From the U.S Army. Pretty casual personal photo (non-military). Where did they get it and why didn't they use her official photo? 2) Ages are given for the other 2 but not hers. 3) No reason given for "begging the Army to not release her name" as previously posted here. Might be nothing ..
Edit to add: (red flags to me from the article) "latecomer to the ROTC program, entering partway through 3rd year", (my thoughts: but she apparently earned enough credits to be a):"Distinguished Military Graduate" "in the top 20% of cadets nationwide"
Most people finish their college degrees in 4 years so is it possible she achieved this during that time frame? (It wouldn't have been possible when I was in college but that was a LONG time ago and things have changed). Maybe right, maybe wrong. Just my thoughts..
Omg no , I have 2 daughters who are nuts with the tds , the oldest is friggin off the charts ,, Taoist , racist on an in , there is no talking to her . The youngest keeps quiet and doesn’t say anything but is a Biden fan ! The oldest lives in NJ the youngest lives in San Diego close to me . We are all close and much love but omg , it’s bad !
My pleasure, fren! It's one of my favorite movies. I've watched it so many times...but not since the Wachkowski Brothers became the Wachkowski Sisters..
...this post's purpose is to simply flesh out the preceding statement issued by the family...
That statement was weird.
"That statement was weird." it wasn't just me who felt that also...
...I feel better...
Caption says she's from DURHAM.
The whole statement from the family saying don't reveal the name is weird.
News organizations have this thing about revealing sources. Maybe Durham has something to say about that. The airplane crash psyops are about the MSM crashing and burning. Try reading the statement in that context.
I guess.
The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025. She has no deployments. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion, Ft Belvoir, Va. Her awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon."
"The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025."
...pretty standard...
Who wants to place bets on if she was a lezzie
I can change her
"Who wants to place bets on if she was a lezzie"
...I sent this to a female associate...
,,,she took one look and replied...
..."that's a man"...
I found an article where she was being homeschooled at age 11 and was supposedly an actual female. If she is mtf she started transitioning early. She does have that boy-ish look about her though.
"She does have that boy-ish look about her though." associate is seldom wrong in these matters...
Not going to Dox’Xing City with this but… for those who are interested, both her parents are MDs and so was her maternal grandfather. Someone at her family’s address had a contract with HHS. And her dad’s side smells like old money. Her dad, specifically, is in endocrinology. So if your associate is correct, the subject’s dad could have played an early role in the transition.
" So if your associate is correct, the subject’s dad could have played an early role in the transition." associate is a pediatric surgeon...
...and very anti transition...
A dad who is an MD helping a kid transition as young as 11 (or earlier) - ugh that gives me the creeps. Based on your associate’s assessment, it is starting to sound not only possible but probable.
" it is starting to sound not only possible but probable."
...she describes those monsters as "Dr. Frankenstein's who experiment with the children under their parental care."...
...she even goes on to question if, in fact, they are actually their own flesh and blood...
My issues: 1) Photo. From the U.S Army. Pretty casual personal photo (non-military). Where did they get it and why didn't they use her official photo? 2) Ages are given for the other 2 but not hers. 3) No reason given for "begging the Army to not release her name" as previously posted here. Might be nothing ..
Edit to add: (red flags to me from the article) "latecomer to the ROTC program, entering partway through 3rd year", (my thoughts: but she apparently earned enough credits to be a):"Distinguished Military Graduate" "in the top 20% of cadets nationwide"
Most people finish their college degrees in 4 years so is it possible she achieved this during that time frame? (It wouldn't have been possible when I was in college but that was a LONG time ago and things have changed). Maybe right, maybe wrong. Just my thoughts..
"Just my thoughts."
...compelling "thoughts"...
...carry on...
My gut says ,, something is way wrong !
"like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad"
Pretty close ,, I have not heard this Morpheus quote , love it , thank you Fren , I’ll get a lot of mileage out of it ;)
It's the red-pill scene. "Or you take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."
Here's the approximate 3 min clip if you're okay with tube.
Dang ! I gobbled the red pill lol . Ty one to save !
There's no going back!
Omg no , I have 2 daughters who are nuts with the tds , the oldest is friggin off the charts ,, Taoist , racist on an in , there is no talking to her . The youngest keeps quiet and doesn’t say anything but is a Biden fan ! The oldest lives in NJ the youngest lives in San Diego close to me . We are all close and much love but omg , it’s bad !
Thank you Fren looking forward to watching !
My pleasure, fren! It's one of my favorite movies. I've watched it so many times...but not since the Wachkowski Brothers became the Wachkowski Sisters..
Oh yeah that was weird ! Illuminati at its best
According to CBS News she was also an aide in the Biden White House.
Military social aide is an additional duty for selected single officers stationed in the Capitol area.