posted ago by Tynyyn ago by Tynyyn +53 / -0

I wonder if there is a law somewhere that allowes the US Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to do something with these Soros judges. Could she recall them somehow, or put them out to pasture for a period of time? Sure, they have a lifetime appointment and they can only be removed by Congress, but instead of removal how about something else? Or how about a transfer? https://search.brave.com/search?q=can+federal+judges+be+transferred%3F&source=web&summary=1&conversation=a5e2497b7f7d3a6390a25d The Supreme Court has the authority to move a Judge to another district. So, why not move them to a small district in Hawii or Alaska? Yep, all the Soros judge's get to sit together in the same district in BFE Alaska. What say ya'll?