TL;DR: I've read preventative use fenben should be taken 3 days on, 4 days off for 10 weeks but then what? When and how often should I do subsequent cycles? Also, I'm wondering if Ivermectin is necessary to take at the same time or can I just get started on only fenben (again for preventative use)
First timer here. Finally got some fenben - no existing diseases per se though I have had various issues that have come and gone since I was a kid and hoping a parasite cleanse will fix some if not all those problems.
Here are my notes I've collected from around GAW, Florida Sharkman, Joe Tippens, various substacks... on preventative treatment (which TBH is quite lacking vs dosage and schedules for cancer or covid treatment), fact check me:
- About 444mg or 1/2 a 1g tablet of fenbendazole
- Taken daily after the biggest meal/high fat
- Take for 3 days in a row, then no dosage for 4 days
- Run it for 10 weeks (but how often to repeat the cycle?)
I've read one place that recommends Ivermectin alongside Fenben for a complete cleanse. I'm wondering if it'll be dangerous to just run Fenben since that may not get rid of all the parasites and allow the survivors to flourish. At the same time, what should dosing both look like? Can I take both Ivm and Fenben together (i.e. within seconds of each other)? Again, there just aren't a lot of resources on preventative/prophylactic usage.
FSM (FloridaSharkman) Parasite Protocols
Don't care for shilled shit trying to sell me shit because
A) I already have my own means of buying based on my own research
B) The real Florida Sharkman protocols are here where he doesn't try to sell you bullshit
That link is floridasharkemans , not a shill...he posted it over a year ago... sorry I tried to help...
My apologies if true.
I have been following FSM for years on Truth, he has helped me and many more...
Buying from here for years. Heard nothing but praise about them well before I used them. Still recommend.
I did the cleanse 1/2 a year ago.. nothing came out.. i did it for 3 months too.. but not 222mg every day.. it was the same 3 days a week for 12 weeks. no worms came out. i was thankful.. did you ever take a pic?
Anon i think you need to make this a post.. that's insane.. i will have to do it for 3 months straight no breaks.. I will do that soon.
I have a friend who has been taking:
222mg fenbendazole every day at the start of the day with breakfast.
1/6 a tube of Durvet Ivermectin 1.87 percent (6.08g) a day around dinner.
This is every day.
For a year (since Dec 23).
To stop Cancer stage IV.
They report they are doing well, some problems have regressed, and they are happy with this plan, feeling confident and strong it's the best shot. They haven't been sick since they started it.
We winged it on the ivermectin dosage.. but for fenben we used this site that another anon on here pointed out:
I think it all depends on what you're doing? the 10 week plan on that site is for prevention. My friend is doing it daily to stop cancer.
"222mg fenbendazole every day at the start of the day with breakfast.":
That is what my wife and I take.
I am sorry to hear that, anon. I have also lost others who i wished were still around to try it.
That's great your friend is recovering well.
I've seen that page from and have it in my notes. The gap there is they don't address Ivermectin usage and schedule.
Florida Sharkman addresses Ivm and fenben on a 10 week schedule, but doesn't mention how often to repeat it
FWIW I've also seen advice to repeat once every year, and another saying once every 6 months.
I can say it's pretty safe for humans.. my friend has been using it every day with no side effects. I don't know what you are using it for though?
Prevention? Cleanse? Cancer?
If the last.. go for it every day because you have nothing to lose. Cleanse.. maybe try it every year.. same with prevention?
Just my take.. this is all crowd sourced medicine again and can be hit/miss.. always start small with these things.. see how you react.. slowly increase.. look at what others are doing.. don't overdo it.
We have been taking fenben and ivermectin together for years. Early on it was 5 days on and 2 days off all year long. Now we just do 1 full 7 day stretch once a month.
However at anytime if we feel any weird symptoms ( sore throat, sniffles,etc ) we go straight for ivermectin.Never a single side effect. Not even a queasy stomach or headache.
If someone has active cancer though u want to up the dosages quite a bit. Nearly double, but make sure you're taking the right amount for your weight.
Yesterday I learned of a company that sells a capsule with both fenben and ivm: