Probably, but it's Hell unwinding a scheme that relies on current cash inflows to pay the current cash outflows. Maybe we can use the Lockbox. Opps, its just a bunch of IOUs
It needs to be gutted and removed. It's a fucking Ponzi scheme of the highest order. If I took the money SS tax is stealing from me and invested it instead, at retirement age I could get 10x the monthly return that a SS payment would give me. Not to mention that damn near every government function in the country steals from SS funds one way or another. You know why courts are so quick to fuck over families and force child support? Because 70% of the payment made to the parent is "reimbursed" to the state from Social Security. CPS is financially incentivized to place children with complete strangers, even when they have family willing to take them, and drug them up. This money also comes from Social Security.
FICA deductions always exceeded my fed income tax deduction. When ss was first levied, it was known as the widows and orphans tax and cost 2% of the first $3000 you earned. My grandmother died giving birth to her 8th child. My grandfather collected a benefit for each child until that child turned 18. A tidy sum to expand his ranch. And he had only paid $3 into the system.
My husband and I paid huge sums into the system for a combined 105 years. And medicare? It would have been over $800 a month for 2 of us and we would, of course, have to buy additional coverage since Medicare is such poor coverage, and we paid into it from its inception. But people who never paid a cent or very little are covered and many of them for free.
I’m glad to hear we will stop paying illegal immigrant benefits they were never entitled to. Perhaps our own citizens can now get approved for programs such as SSDI -yet another rotten piece of government in need of some DOGE therapy.
It would be cool if theyed figure out how much we each paod in and gave us 20 or 30 years at a reasonable 7 percent. What ever that amount is paying out lump sum. U wanna see the the economy boom.
"HE THAT DOES NOT TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN IS WORSE THAN AN INFIDEL" (1 Timothy 5:8) A father is to look after his own children before he takes care of the whole neighborhood. A President is to look after his own citizens before he, endeavors to take care of the world. Trump a "American first" President is in office. And it is wonderful to behold.
Great News!
A big comfort for the fixed income class. With the increase in cost of living. These people have been living an anxious day to day, as of late.
A YUGE announcement in today's presser...
Great idea! Watch how fast they self-deport when the money is gone.
Might be a while before Commiefornia goes bankrupt and has to stop the Welfare.
Social security needs to be eased out
Not for people who have been taxed for it there entire lives.
Yeah that’s why I said eased out
Probably, but it's Hell unwinding a scheme that relies on current cash inflows to pay the current cash outflows. Maybe we can use the Lockbox. Opps, its just a bunch of IOUs
If we stop Congress from borrowing i mean spending Social security funds....
Retroactive SS accounts that Joe Biden voted for taxation. Back payments NOW
It needs to be gutted and removed. It's a fucking Ponzi scheme of the highest order. If I took the money SS tax is stealing from me and invested it instead, at retirement age I could get 10x the monthly return that a SS payment would give me. Not to mention that damn near every government function in the country steals from SS funds one way or another. You know why courts are so quick to fuck over families and force child support? Because 70% of the payment made to the parent is "reimbursed" to the state from Social Security. CPS is financially incentivized to place children with complete strangers, even when they have family willing to take them, and drug them up. This money also comes from Social Security.
FICA deductions always exceeded my fed income tax deduction. When ss was first levied, it was known as the widows and orphans tax and cost 2% of the first $3000 you earned. My grandmother died giving birth to her 8th child. My grandfather collected a benefit for each child until that child turned 18. A tidy sum to expand his ranch. And he had only paid $3 into the system.
My husband and I paid huge sums into the system for a combined 105 years. And medicare? It would have been over $800 a month for 2 of us and we would, of course, have to buy additional coverage since Medicare is such poor coverage, and we paid into it from its inception. But people who never paid a cent or very little are covered and many of them for free.
Investigation of the oldest citizens especially the ones over hundred. Also investigate over seas citizens
You mean the 6.5 million over the age of 112 ?
No one could live on $600 a month. That's all I have to say.....
I’m glad to hear we will stop paying illegal immigrant benefits they were never entitled to. Perhaps our own citizens can now get approved for programs such as SSDI -yet another rotten piece of government in need of some DOGE therapy.
It would be cool if theyed figure out how much we each paod in and gave us 20 or 30 years at a reasonable 7 percent. What ever that amount is paying out lump sum. U wanna see the the economy boom.
"HE THAT DOES NOT TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN IS WORSE THAN AN INFIDEL" (1 Timothy 5:8) A father is to look after his own children before he takes care of the whole neighborhood. A President is to look after his own citizens before he, endeavors to take care of the world. Trump a "American first" President is in office. And it is wonderful to behold.