This IS a Constitutional crisis. The Judiciary cannot interfere with Executive duties within the branch. If SCOTUS does not act to stop this immediately, it's time to send in the Marines before the Treasury deletes records and cooks the books.
This is pretty much equivalent to President Trump writing an executive order stating judges can no longer preside over cases, or congress is no longer aloud to draft laws..
This should not even be fought, it should be summarily ignored!
This IS a Constitutional crisis. The Judiciary cannot interfere with Executive duties within the branch. If SCOTUS does not act to stop this immediately, it's time to send in the Marines before the Treasury deletes records and cooks the books.
This is pretty much equivalent to President Trump writing an executive order stating judges can no longer preside over cases, or congress is no longer aloud to draft laws..
This should not even be fought, it should be summarily ignored!