The states argued that the president can't block money that Congress has approved for federal programs, grants and loans.
If the money is being spent by agencies under control of the Executive Branch, and the concern is that money is being wasted, misspent or stolen... then the president CAN stop the spending. Case in point... FEMA. Spending can be halted until appropriate controls are in place to prevent fraud.
Think about the hammer President Trump will bring to the USSC and pound these stupid District Judges into the dust. Their dirty deeds/dealings will be exposed and the USSC Justices might not appreciate those sins of the judges. Overturn is right around the corner,.
Another gaggle of Deep Staters just exposed themselves.
true, but unless there is repercussions...
to steal a quote from another mass criminal still walking free despite absolute known crimes....
'What difference, at this stage, does it make??? '
The states argued that the president can't block money that Congress has approved for federal programs, grants and loans.
If the money is being spent by agencies under control of the Executive Branch, and the concern is that money is being wasted, misspent or stolen... then the president CAN stop the spending. Case in point... FEMA. Spending can be halted until appropriate controls are in place to prevent fraud.
What a badly written confusing article.
Next stop, USSC
Think about the hammer President Trump will bring to the USSC and pound these stupid District Judges into the dust. Their dirty deeds/dealings will be exposed and the USSC Justices might not appreciate those sins of the judges. Overturn is right around the corner,.
Believe so.
Who's on that court. Here's the names