What I learnt is USA didn't fuck up by inviting Russia, they did it ON PURPOSE TO ALWAYS HAVE RUSSIA AS ENEMY. Every hero needs an enemy, so Russia became the scapegoat. THEY NEVER WANTED WORLD PEACE - No money in that, and no reasons or coverups for money laundry without Wars.
They planned the Ukraine Russia War since WW2 I believe. They wanted RUSSIA UKRAINE to become WW3 but that plan failed, thanks to Q, White Hats, President Trump and their hard work, courage, and perseverance, and under God's protection.
Yup. They violated NATO's terms and have been poking the bear almost since Day 1. Fortunately, Russia didn't retaliate as western warmongers expected it to.
NATO was incorporated to defend against the USSR. I question why NATO wasn't dissolved when the USSR disintegrated - grift?, greed? MIC?
Soviet premier Joseph Stalin chose to test Western resolve by implementing a blockade against West Berlin, which was then under joint U.S., British, and French control but surrounded by Soviet-controlled East Germany. This Berlin Crisis brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of conflict, although a massive airlift to resupply the city for the duration of the blockade helped to prevent an outright confrontation. .
The only reason to add Ukraine to NATO was to incite Russia to war. It would be the same if China put military assets in Alberta or Iran in Coahuila, Mexico. The USA would be pissed.
What I learnt is USA didn't fuck up by inviting Russia, they did it ON PURPOSE TO ALWAYS HAVE RUSSIA AS ENEMY. Every hero needs an enemy, so Russia became the scapegoat. THEY NEVER WANTED WORLD PEACE - No money in that, and no reasons or coverups for money laundry without Wars.
They planned the Ukraine Russia War since WW2 I believe. They wanted RUSSIA UKRAINE to become WW3 but that plan failed, thanks to Q, White Hats, President Trump and their hard work, courage, and perseverance, and under God's protection.
Yup. They violated NATO's terms and have been poking the bear almost since Day 1. Fortunately, Russia didn't retaliate as western warmongers expected it to.
NATO was incorporated to defend against the USSR. I question why NATO wasn't dissolved when the USSR disintegrated - grift?, greed? MIC?
The only reason to add Ukraine to NATO was to incite Russia to war. It would be the same if China put military assets in Alberta or Iran in Coahuila, Mexico. The USA would be pissed.