That was awful of him to parade his wife out in front of camaras like that. It almost appeared he was in control of her, instead of her having command over her own actions. Like she was a slave to his demands. Someone ought to smack him over the head to knock some sense into him. It's a shame that these pics were broadcast. Where are the censors at the networks? They should be held accountable for showing this, also. I feel some folks should be in jail for porn on television, that wasn't art.
His wife was his handler and him making her wear that dress and then drop all the anti-semetic stuff was him doing a humiliation ritual to her instead of the other way around.
That was awful of him to parade his wife out in front of camaras like that. It almost appeared he was in control of her, instead of her having command over her own actions. Like she was a slave to his demands. Someone ought to smack him over the head to knock some sense into him. It's a shame that these pics were broadcast. Where are the censors at the networks? They should be held accountable for showing this, also. I feel some folks should be in jail for porn on television, that wasn't art.
His wife was his handler and him making her wear that dress and then drop all the anti-semetic stuff was him doing a humiliation ritual to her instead of the other way around.
Basically, saying that he is free (again).
that's an interesting angle...didn't seem like she was a victim when they were first together, she appeared to agree with it.