I wake up every day wondering when the arrests will begin. I will have a yuge box of popcorn ready and I'll even break my carnivore diet to drink some refreshing beverages with the popcorn, too. Maybe they will be shipped down to Gitmo and share the same cells as the illegals who are down there now. What a glorious sight that would be, to have the people who allowed the illegals into the country in the cells with the worst illegals. Maybe both will come together and figure out how to live in harmony.
I wake up every day wondering when the arrests will begin. I will have a yuge box of popcorn ready and I'll even break my carnivore diet to drink some refreshing beverages with the popcorn, too. Maybe they will be shipped down to Gitmo and share the same cells as the illegals who are down there now. What a glorious sight that would be, to have the people who allowed the illegals into the country in the cells with the worst illegals. Maybe both will come together and figure out how to live in harmony.