If we're the 'Government of the People' we request the following:
Release of all patents that will "Make America Great Again.
Info on the attack on the USS Liberty, Ok. booming, Waco incidents, Ruby Ridge murder, all FF Re: Spanish America War, WW 1, 2, Tonkin Gulf, Titanic, FED bank(s),IRS.
Add to the list.
Unfortunately for her, she now has backed herself into a predicament. Either she produces immediate results, or she gets exposed and primaried out of office.
"Do, or do not. There is no try." -Yoda, Master Jedi
Lots of big accounts are holding her feet to the fire. We will primary her ass back to Pinellas Park.
Opening her mouth was digging a hole. Only actions will get her out of the hole.
Das right. I tried to warn her.
Release the list of the payoffs for sexual harassment from both chambers and past chambers.
I like this idea. Why should the American Taxpayer shoulder the expense for a Senator or Congressman not keeping it in his pants? They ought to be tossed out on their ear with a swift kick in the @ss to boot. Then they need to fork over restitution to the Taxpayer! I don't care it that takes them working the rest of their lives at a 7-11 on the midnight shift. It isn't their money, yet it WAS their action!