Very important moderator PSA: New explicit rules on posted content. 💥 IMPORTANT P.S.A. 💥
posted 4 hours ago by propertyofUniverse +91 / -4
IMPORTANT: New explicit rules on posted content.
Due to our unique position in the information battlefield, the admin team here at GAW have long since decided to exclude some topics of discussion:
Most of the anons here know this, but for the benefit of everyone, the team would like to make it clear that we do not allow posts and comments on the following subjects:
Flat earth theory
Faked moon landings
Fringe conspiracy theories
These subjects are explicitly prohibited on The Great Awakening. and are now listed in the sidebar for your reference.
We will not discuss the merits of these subjects, they are simply not allowed here.
We will remove posts and comments which contravene these rules and issue increasing bans for those posts up to permanent bans.
These are the site rules
Here is a very useful in-depth reference to fifth generation warfare if you are wondering why we have this policy:
I would think if they (Task Force) really opened the books there will be a lot to discuss & evaluate. Some ideas will crash & burn, others will be validated. I think if an idea/theory is reasonable it should be viewed by the anons.
Ty for putting this up as on my phone it was cut in nearly half ! I thought chemtrails was ok as some states are banning or talking about banning ! Fringe is rather broad ! I got banned for woman bashing because I said that the Jan 6 guy really had gluten intolerance and those that have it really can die . Although it is used as a fad or fashion statement by a lot of woman out here in Cali . In my practice I see it a lot because it’s fashionable like the puppys innprada bags was years ago . For thst I was banned . I wasn’t woman bashing, Im a woman myself I just haven’t had men that say they are when they aren’t . I just noted that a lot of woman in my practice use this as a fashion statement, they even admit it . I don’t post so it may not affect me although I comment a lot !
My immediate thought was to deport you, but I know you have been on here a long time. I also know that Q has talked about protecting your DNA in their last post. I’m currently dealing with the fucking hiccups and can’t pay more attention.
If this breaks the rules, just delete it.
Forgive my ignorance but why would you be breaking the rules? . I see less interesting post on here that have nothing to do with Q .
Very important moderator PSA: New explicit rules on posted content. 💥 IMPORTANT P.S.A. 💥 posted 4 hours ago by propertyofUniverse +91 / -4 IMPORTANT: New explicit rules on posted content.
Due to our unique position in the information battlefield, the admin team here at GAW have long since decided to exclude some topics of discussion:
Most of the anons here know this, but for the benefit of everyone, the team would like to make it clear that we do not allow posts and comments on the following subjects:
Flat earth theory
Faked moon landings
Fringe conspiracy theories
These subjects are explicitly prohibited on The Great Awakening. and are now listed in the sidebar for your reference.
We will not discuss the merits of these subjects, they are simply not allowed here.
We will remove posts and comments which contravene these rules and issue increasing bans for those posts up to permanent bans.
These are the site rules
Here is a very useful in-depth reference to fifth generation warfare if you are wondering why we have this policy:
Thank you all for your valuable work.
This is an interesting rule change, coincidentally timed with the upcoming audit of NASA.
Are all mod’s onboard with this?
I would think if they (Task Force) really opened the books there will be a lot to discuss & evaluate. Some ideas will crash & burn, others will be validated. I think if an idea/theory is reasonable it should be viewed by the anons.
Ty for putting this up as on my phone it was cut in nearly half ! I thought chemtrails was ok as some states are banning or talking about banning ! Fringe is rather broad ! I got banned for woman bashing because I said that the Jan 6 guy really had gluten intolerance and those that have it really can die . Although it is used as a fad or fashion statement by a lot of woman out here in Cali . In my practice I see it a lot because it’s fashionable like the puppys innprada bags was years ago . For thst I was banned . I wasn’t woman bashing, Im a woman myself I just haven’t had men that say they are when they aren’t . I just noted that a lot of woman in my practice use this as a fashion statement, they even admit it . I don’t post so it may not affect me although I comment a lot !
I've spent a lot of time in 'Tard Jail'/ 'Box of Shame' & some truth won't be accepted for a long time. (Being one the 1% isn't easy. 😂)
Sounds an awful lot like banning stuff on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc., about the clot shot dangers🤔
You might get deeper theological discussion over there.
My immediate thought was to deport you, but I know you have been on here a long time. I also know that Q has talked about protecting your DNA in their last post. I’m currently dealing with the fucking hiccups and can’t pay more attention.
Thank you, I don't want to go to GITMO. 😮🤣
Are you desperate for a fix? Try bitters on a lime and suck. Old bar trick
I just head to the nearest toilet and induce vomiting. Works every time. Kek.