Fewer and fewer people are buying anything the rats are selling. Fake News is the most successful marketing campaign in history.
Quit giving power to the few leftards remaining that are provided a megaphone by the legacy media because that megaphones power gets turned down in daily increments. They no longer control the narrative. We are the news.
Doomers are weak and are hardly better than leftist rats. Be strong and instead of complaining about things obliterate their weak sauce.
Trump IS threatening Democracy, to restore the Republic.
Who is buying it??? Their sheep? The 30% that still trust the media???
Fewer and fewer people are buying anything the rats are selling. Fake News is the most successful marketing campaign in history.
Quit giving power to the few leftards remaining that are provided a megaphone by the legacy media because that megaphones power gets turned down in daily increments. They no longer control the narrative. We are the news.
Doomers are weak and are hardly better than leftist rats. Be strong and instead of complaining about things obliterate their weak sauce.
How many woketards really exist at this point? And how many are just bots in voter databases and "social media"?
Amazing. This truth has been around for proboly 2 yrs now and sheeples are still buying the lie.
Hello we all Knew this
They really can make sheep believe anything. That is their biggest weapon