I would propose resettling all SA Farmers and Land Owners here in America and give them free land. This would be be a worthy venture. Much preferred over Chinese buying up America!
Some of the DOGE savings could purchase lots of farmland for our SA brothers and their families!
I would agree with this except some/many landowners may not have liquidity to lease. Their money is probably invested in equipment, livestock, etc. and we know if they try to sell they won't get a good ROI.
Yes! This should stay stickied...
I would propose resettling all SA Farmers and Land Owners here in America and give them free land. This would be be a worthy venture. Much preferred over Chinese buying up America!
Some of the DOGE savings could purchase lots of farmland for our SA brothers and their families!
Make Christian Farmers Great Again!
No need to give them free land.
Just make land available to them to lease, with the first 3 years' payments deferred.
They will take it from there.
Going after the Chinese-owned land would be a good idea.
👌👌We Don't want anything for free...Just the opportunity to move forward...
I would agree with this except some/many landowners may not have liquidity to lease. Their money is probably invested in equipment, livestock, etc. and we know if they try to sell they won't get a good ROI.
That's why I suggested the payments be deferred for the first 3 years.
They are expert farmers. They will build something from nothing.
I know they can, just heartbroken that they will have to leave everything behind..💔😸