For those with student loans that can’t find a job, maybe you chose the wrong major. Research the job demand and prospects before you choose a major. There should be a time limit on loan paybacks or huge penalty charged.
A lot of these people were lied to by their idiotic boomer parents and school administrators. You think most 17 year olds know better? I didn’t. Luckily I got out early.
And if you want to tank the native population then sure just use Jewish usury and make it very hard for them to have kids or buy a house. Then declare a crisis and bring in a bunch of illegals and Pajeets to replace them. Oh wait that’s what they did. Punishing American students like you suggest does nothing.
End federal student loans, make colleges compete for students, make them cut the fluff courses and majors that provide nothing of value. Those who have student loans can pay back at a zero or much lower interest rate. It’s the 4-5% interest rates that are killing people.
The simplistic, “You should have known what you were getting into” is so mind numbing at this point. I can’t help that every authority figure in my life for 10 years said, “Go get a degree, any degree and you’ll be set for life!” My degrees are in history btw not basket weaving. Two generations now have been sold a lie and as such debt slavery. I’ve paid my dues for 8 years and still owe more than borrowed.
It’s also rich that many say tough luck while acknowledging the problem we are in was created by the government guaranteeing these college loans. Thus making the cost of college balloon year over year.
Exactly this ^. I'm a boomer and college was actually affordable when I went through, not the 200+K total it is now. Attach 7% interest to it and it puts our youth in permanent slavery. I don't see why people can't see this? This college deal turned into a scam with both colleges and liberal professors raking in the lion's share of it. The student debt problem needs to be dealt with, 0% interest and perhaps some claw back from the endowments of these institutions are in order.
For those with student loans that can’t find a job, maybe you chose the wrong major. Research the job demand and prospects before you choose a major. There should be a time limit on loan paybacks or huge penalty charged.
A lot of these people were lied to by their idiotic boomer parents and school administrators. You think most 17 year olds know better? I didn’t. Luckily I got out early.
And if you want to tank the native population then sure just use Jewish usury and make it very hard for them to have kids or buy a house. Then declare a crisis and bring in a bunch of illegals and Pajeets to replace them. Oh wait that’s what they did. Punishing American students like you suggest does nothing.
End federal student loans, make colleges compete for students, make them cut the fluff courses and majors that provide nothing of value. Those who have student loans can pay back at a zero or much lower interest rate. It’s the 4-5% interest rates that are killing people.
I cannot applaud this enough!
The simplistic, “You should have known what you were getting into” is so mind numbing at this point. I can’t help that every authority figure in my life for 10 years said, “Go get a degree, any degree and you’ll be set for life!” My degrees are in history btw not basket weaving. Two generations now have been sold a lie and as such debt slavery. I’ve paid my dues for 8 years and still owe more than borrowed.
It’s also rich that many say tough luck while acknowledging the problem we are in was created by the government guaranteeing these college loans. Thus making the cost of college balloon year over year.
Exactly this ^. I'm a boomer and college was actually affordable when I went through, not the 200+K total it is now. Attach 7% interest to it and it puts our youth in permanent slavery. I don't see why people can't see this? This college deal turned into a scam with both colleges and liberal professors raking in the lion's share of it. The student debt problem needs to be dealt with, 0% interest and perhaps some claw back from the endowments of these institutions are in order.