posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +60 / -0

I want to do a deep dive on this. So after all the symbolism of satanism I believe transgenderism is a satanic ritual as you are mutilating God’s creation. And no I don’t think some random Seattle kid who wants to transition is a Satanist per se but demons definitely got to them especially the parents.

Anyways we know that the deep state is involved with satanism and occult practices which include figures like Moloch (child sacrifice) and Baphomet which is often depicted as a transgender.

So I have started looking into a lot of these people who are suspected of being transgender with the children or absence of children being the starting point.

Some examples.

Big Mike: don’t need to go into it but it’s obvious that Malia and Sasha look nothing like either of them.

Governor of Maine: No Children. Seen dancing at a drag show. Highly suspect but then again I know plenty of idiotic post menopausal white women who would do that.

Brigette Macron: No Children, groomed Macron another obvious one.

Melinda Gates: the children especially the son have her nose and other facial features. So unlike Big Mike I am not convinced. If you want to argue that the real Gates are dead or that Bill had access to insane cloning and DNA technology you do you but I have no evidence for that.

So who do you suspect and why?