Yes! This fake charity has stolen the time and money out of small American communities who think they are honoring their loved ones who died from the horrible disease. Every contributor deserves their money back.
When I found out they were giving money to Planned Parenthood, I was furious. They get Billions of dollars and we are no closer to any real help for breast cancer.
This is the ultimate money laundering scheme. It would be very interesting to see where all of this money goes.
They make a lot of money off of these cancer charities. That is one of the reasons they have hid Ivermectin and Fenbendazole from us. It always about the money.
Yes. While at it, all other cancer charities should be audited, starting with Susan G. Komen. Fraud to be found galore, I'll bet.
Yes! This fake charity has stolen the time and money out of small American communities who think they are honoring their loved ones who died from the horrible disease. Every contributor deserves their money back.
When I found out they were giving money to Planned Parenthood, I was furious. They get Billions of dollars and we are no closer to any real help for breast cancer. This is the ultimate money laundering scheme. It would be very interesting to see where all of this money goes.
If the charity took government grants then yes, a full audit MUST be done to find how every cent was spent!
Anyone that's surprised at this is probably very new to the scene. All medical charities should be audited for the same reason.
How about the two billion raised over the years from the Jerry Lewis Labor Day telethons?
Yes. There's just too much fraud to play favorites at this point.
They make a lot of money off of these cancer charities. That is one of the reasons they have hid Ivermectin and Fenbendazole from us. It always about the money.
I thought Matt Geatz was appointed special investigator to look into the Biden deals.
AFAIK that was a rumor. He left government service and is doing a talk show on Rumble now.
Another reason they don’t want to cure cancer. Charity grift over.
Did they even have to ask?