SaltyJollyRoger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe I have a twisted perspective on this. But as I see it, guy stole the home of a tax paying citizen, and his punishment is to be permanently housed under taxpayer expense?

We should exile them to Israel.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like you've dug extensively and comprehensively! I'm not going to pretend I understand more than a tenth of it, but thank you for posting.

If you want to look at something outside the approved methods, I've uploaded a digital copy of Jim Humble's MMS (chlorine dioxide) guidebook.


Physical copies can be purchased through his website of course, but all the important weight-dosing tables are included in the digital document.

I can't claim it cured me of cancer, but it's done wonders for my allergies and asthma.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kind of what i came here to say. I thought everyone knew Oswald was a patsy killed by Jack Ruby.

JFK was assassinated by the CIA possibly with the help of the secret service.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's pretty amazing what can be classified as a "peacekeeping operation"

SaltyJollyRoger 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's still going to get pushed, yeah. But the impact is having unexpected diminishing returns. Instead of breaking, a significant portion of normies started waking up.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup! Just don't go peeping on women in the bath!

by PepeSee
SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. This answers a few sticky questions I've had about integration and relevant spike production, and I suppose a scary answer is still better than none at all.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bonus points because the insanity grows exponentially if walked backwards through time. Any doctors and/or politicians that would have said this in the '50s might have been chased by a mob weilding torches and pitchforks.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

My main point is that the best way to combat the globalist co-opt of currency is to remove vectors of control, not add them. Gold and silver (or any asset based currency really) will always be better than any fiat, even digital fiat.

I try to maintain an open point of view, which includes considering that I could always be wrong. However, I cannot see how crypto will free us from anything. It is a fiat currency. The value is not tied to a physical material asset, and the block-chain mining process is proof against counterfeiting not inflation.

You're 100% correct about the methods and motives of the globalists, and our duties in response. But please take a moment think about what you said there. Crypto requires an internet connection (built-in off switch) and it's value is subject to market fluctuations that are already being subjugated to AI-styled algorithm interference (controlled inflation).

Maybe I'm a Luddite, and if so, then I'm fine with that appellation. I would honestly prefer to be wrong here. Part of me is desperately hoping that I'm wrong, but I can't ignore the other part of me that points out patterns. Because maybe I'm right, and we're very close to the institution of $USDC closely followed by heavy crypto tariffs.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same kind of mentality that surrounded the acceptance of the automobile, airplane, phones, internet..... These people are brought along kicking and screaming till they finally get it.

You know this is the argument that will be used to push for CBDCs, right?

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly the same as the American Medical Association's Gold Seal of Approval. "Doc" Simmons and Morris Fishbein established the program with a complete absence of testing facility, equipment, staff, or medical training.

SaltyJollyRoger 24 points ago +24 / -0

Possibly also the end of the Federal Reserve and FIAT currency. Our income tax pays the interest on money the Fed loans to the US to use in circulation.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see. If we multiply white guilt by climate change, and apply it to the adjusted jewry logarithm, how many pounds of bugs will you have eaten?

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe I did, or maybe your calculator has betrayed you. In any event, 57+70=127

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something seems off. Deal started in 1957 and lasts 70 years. 1957+70=2027. But the deal ends in 2024? It just doesn't add up. Either the deal is ending prematurely, or somebody miscalculated.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mega dittos. People need to get comfortable with the idea of filling malpractice claims on doctors that lie. They're no longer obligated to obtain informed consent before injecting patients because we failed to hold them accountable for decades.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm no medicologist, but something seems off.

In separate research in 2023, researchers from Canada, North America, Germany, and Italy described a virtually identical disorder with the same PF4 antibody that was fatal in some cases after natural adenovirus (common cold) infection.

There's no link to this supposed research from 2023, no published paper referenced. I see statements like the one above made without evidence, and my brain immediately translated it into the statement below:

We'll say anything to shift the blame away from established products and praxis. It was caused by the spike protein; it was caused by this adenovirus; it was caused by H12N9000. We know this only happens after our interventions, but these things were also present so they must be responsible.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm jaded past the point of reason. Maybe the research is real. Or maybe we need to demand transparency and proofs at every stage of the scientific process to know the truth is being exposed instead of a scapegoat.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your service. What you say is a little worrying though. I thought one of the outcomes of the Nuremberg Trials was that following orders does not absolve guilt, and I always took this to mean soldiers should be prepared to disobey certain types of orders.

I guess it was always more along the lines of we may throw you under the bus later if it allows us to save face.

SaltyJollyRoger 14 points ago +15 / -1

Yes. He should lead by example. The Vatican will surely be strengthened by diversity.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like a PR play to regain trust. He maintains the gene therapies "saved many lives" despite having no effect on infection or transmission.

They know that they've nuked their accountability in the minds of a large portion of America, so they'll bring out an expert that hadn't stuck his foot in his mouth on camera recently to admit a few mistakes while propping up the rest of the lie.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

If she eats a lot of bread (or anything made with regular American wheat) her thyroid problems could easily have been exacerbated by the bromine that's used to treat flour. Bromine is similar to iodine in that it's a halide, and the thyroid readily absorbs it in the absence of iodine. The problem is that bromine cannot be used to make some of the hormones produced by the thyroid, and it has a much higher toxicity than iodine which tends to cascade into liver problems.

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