Father, we pray for all the families who lost their loved ones to trafficking, and for the souls of all the victims who survived and who died. We pray for loving arms to find and protect the survivors, and for loving people and families to help them with their recovery. May they find love and receive it from all of us around the world and from loving family members and friends. For those who were orphaned or born into ritual satanism, please give them good God-fearing and obeying Christian families who can teach them Yeshua's love and protect them. May these survivors become an example and reflection of your love and light as they heal. Father, we ask that you protect all the operators who are rescuing those who are being held captive against their will globally; please protect, guide, and bless them and their families. In Yeshua's name, we pray this, Amen.
😓🙏🏻. I pray for these little ones everyday. I pray God brings down their abusers and exposes them so they will do no more harm. My heart hurts for the children.
We MUST remember this EVERY. DAY. 💔🙏
And a special blessing to those who know and are doing their best to expose this evil. Most times they can not sleep...
Father, we pray for all the families who lost their loved ones to trafficking, and for the souls of all the victims who survived and who died. We pray for loving arms to find and protect the survivors, and for loving people and families to help them with their recovery. May they find love and receive it from all of us around the world and from loving family members and friends. For those who were orphaned or born into ritual satanism, please give them good God-fearing and obeying Christian families who can teach them Yeshua's love and protect them. May these survivors become an example and reflection of your love and light as they heal. Father, we ask that you protect all the operators who are rescuing those who are being held captive against their will globally; please protect, guide, and bless them and their families. In Yeshua's name, we pray this, Amen.
😓🙏🏻. I pray for these little ones everyday. I pray God brings down their abusers and exposes them so they will do no more harm. My heart hurts for the children.
This is why it's so hard to wait for one more day.
We must always remember that it has always been our incredulousness that these things could be done right under our noses that allowed this to happen.
Our inability to grasp that evil's stench could be held right under our noses and we wouldn't smell it.
Many of us learned this lesson, many more need to learn it.
Punishment must be severe to wipe these organized demonic players, from ever existing!
With no mercy or quarter given. Quick trial and public executions, force their families to watch.
Very powerful statement and something to remember.
Sounds like a reference to Ellen regarding the mention of the talk show that millions watched.