posted ago by Young_Patriot ago by Young_Patriot +59 / -0

Would you listen to Charles Manson's music if it was really good? Would you read books written by Jeffrey Dahmer if they were top of the line? Would you watch a movie that is epic by every standard if you knew it was directed by Adolf hitler?

My guess is that most of you are saying no. So what happens when the truth comes out? What happens if we learn that George Lucas raped children? Would anyone express Star Wars enthusiasm?

What if we learn Stephen King tortured children and forced them to experience horror? Could anyone other than a serious sadist enjoy to read any of his books again?

What if videos of Mick Jagger performing child sacrifices emerge? Could anyone ever rock to his music ever again?

I think we are in the verge of horrible crimes being exposed. Artists have lost all their fans for much less in the past. So after that happens, what remains of American or actually world culture?

Will people try to overlook the crimes committed and continue to cherish the artistic contributions of these monsters?

Heck...I'm just talking about worthless entertainers. Now add beloved historical figures. Wow!

Your thoughts?