posted ago by 7spade ago by 7spade +72 / -0

Hello frens....

A little background, late 40s - I began noticing about a year ago that I struggled at times during cardio. I actually work out regularly (3-4 days per week) but cardio was kicking my ass, at times having shortness of breath and such. Would usually have to sit out a few minutes to get my heart rate down again and then start back. My regular doctor sent me to a cardiologist to determine if I'm having heart palpitations and/or irregular heart beats. I believe the answer is yes but I'm going in for a stress test in a couple weeks.

Anyway I've already had some labwork done and basically my LDL cholesterol and such is on the high side, and am also displaying indications of pre-diabetes.

HDL: 42

LDL: 176 (high)

Total cholesterol: 253 (high)

Triglycerides: 176 (high)

Glucose: 124 (high)

Vitamin D: 65

Hemoglobin A1c: 5.9 (indication of pre-diabetes development)

I am not at a point where I'm looking a heart attack occuring anytime soon nor requiring surgery to put in a stent. But I know some of you who have been down this road before, and I'm hoping you can weigh on possible course of action.

I have saved the info that's been posted here before of the 4000mg vitamin C & 4000mg lysine daily doses to be taken for a couple weeks and am inclined to begin doing this immediately.