Here is an Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) article with some information about how the payment to Hospitals for Covid Murder is calculated.
" Here is an Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) article with some information about how the payment to Hospitals for Covid Murder is calculated."
Wait until they find out they poison your kids with shots for even cheaper.
"Wait until they find out they poison your kids with shots for even cheaper."
...I hope they stock up on the industrial size drums of "Whoop Ass"....
Until enough parents see their children fall, nothing will happen. People don't care what happens to other people.
Here is an Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) article with some information about how the payment to Hospitals for Covid Murder is calculated.
" Here is an Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) article with some information about how the payment to Hospitals for Covid Murder is calculated."
...blood chilling addendum...
$48,000 plus untold thousands of $$$ they make by selling the harvested organs.
" $48,000 plus untold thousands of $$$ they make by selling the harvested organs."
...sadly true...
This too.
🎼. I see the bad moon risin'
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today...
Don't go the hospital tonight
Their bound to take your life
But There's a bathroom on the right. 🎼
" But There's a bathroom on the right."
...the sheer amount of pure brute talent on this board never ceases to raise my level of amazement to new record highs...
...carry on maestro...
Thank you, but now that you have heard it you will always hear it that way unless you sing along using the original lyrics.
"Thank you, but now that you have heard it you will always hear it that way unless you sing along using the original lyrics."
...this old dog has mostly rewritten music in his brain...
The Worm "Blood" Moon: Full Moon for March 2025
Purim-March 14, Full Moon
Why would they pay for deaths, it’s so strange
" Why would they pay for deaths, it’s so strange"
...think of it as a manufacturing process...
...the government wanted "dead covid victimes" and was willing to pay for them...
...the hospitials supplied the "product"...
I know why, it was a hypothetical
"I know why, it was a hypothetical"
...more of a rhetorical question if that was the case...
...carry on...
They take out your kidneys.
"They take out your kidneys."
...and that is not good...
Thankfully, once we clear them out, we will enter a new golden age of medicine.
I see a brand new horizon.
They need to pay for murdering our loved ones.